ଘ(੭ ᐛ )━ chapter seven ☆゚.*・。゚

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"the train is being haunted."

third pov

the three looked at you, confused. hermoine moved aside, allowing you to sit between her and ron. ron immediately exploded into red as you sat next to him. you now noticed that the compartment had a fourth person, an older man sleeping in the corner.

"what's going on out there?"
hermoine asked, confused.

"d-did someone come aboard?"
ron asked nervously.

"i've got no clue. but there are some weird ghost-like creatures out there, so i'm scared out of my wits."
you smiled sweetly as you said that, turning the boy, ron and hermoine more confused.

"it's cold..."
the boy said confusedly.

suddenly, the older man in the corner woke up, and a light appeared at the end of his wand.
"don't move."
he said, and although he looked tired, his face was alert.

suddenly, a scabbed, thin hand grabbed the half-open compartment door, pushing it open.

your eyes just about fell out of their sockets as you looked at the figure. it was tall, dark, and it's face was hidden by a black hood. the same ugly orange cat you saw at the leaky cauldron hissed at the figure. you saw as the figure looked at the boy who was sitting in front of you.

suddenly, the figure moved closer to him, and you saw a thin white mist escape the boys mouth. you looked in shock and concern. wasn't someone supposed to do something? you would have liked to do something, but you suddenly felt very strange. like you'd never feel happy again.

you'd just reached for your wand, when the older man cast a spell. you'd heard of it; 'expecto patronum'. you didn't quite know what it was for though. a big white shield appeared, and the dark figure quickly flew away at the sight of it.

you, ron, and hermoine breathed in relief, but when you looked at the boy in front of you, he looked pale.

"are you alri-"
you started, when suddenly he fainted, falling forwards. you reacted quickly, catching him before he fell.

ron said, as he quickly stood up, helping you set the boy next to you. his head immediately fell down into your lap.

normally you'd be flustered, but seeing as the boy had literally passed out, you felt more concerned. ron went to sit where the boy sat before.

"do you reckon he's alright?"
hermoine asked quickly, looking at the boy.

"he'll be alright."
the older man answered.

"bloody hell... what just happened?"
ron finally asked, breaking the silence.

"that.. was a dementor. a guard of azkaban. i believe it was searching for sirius black."
he said. you'd noticed the faintest change in emotions as he said the name, you saw how his fist clenched a bit.

a dementor... you'd heard of them. they could give inmates at azkaban a 'dementor's kiss', basically taking their life. that's what that looked like? you looked down at the boy in concern.

then, suddenly, you saw a scar on his forehead. a quite familiar scar. wait a minute...
"blimey! is this harry potter?"
you exclaimed, surprised.

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now