♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ : chapter eleven : :;

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after that entire ordeal, you still had one lesson to go. ghoul studies.

you did have to admit, you were a bit nervous now, because of the stories you'd heard. a crazy professor? well, looking at the professors of hogwarts you had already met, you didn't really see how it could get much crazier.

hermoine had explained to you where the classroom was, but when you still looked confused, harry had offered to go with you.
so now you were walking the halls together.

it was weird, harry had a very comforting aura. usually with people you didn't know that well, you wanted to fill up the silence every chance you got. but with harry it was alright to just... be quiet.

after a bit you did have to break the silence, because you had something you wanted to talk about.

"harry, i really didn't mean it. earlier, about the tea leaves and stuff. i don't believe in the prediction trelawney made."
you'd felt a bit bad. although he had said earlier that he didn't mind, you weren't sure if he actually didn't. and the fact that you didn't know if he was always so thoughtful and quiet, or just now, didn't help either.

"it's fine. i don't believe it either. i've had plenty weird stuff happen to me, if a dog finishes me off now, i'll turn around in my grave." he said jokingly, purposefully misinterpreting the grim.

you laughed. "i bet you did. how is it? you know, being 'the chosen one' and all." you were sort of trying to get his mind off the idea of an impending death, but now that you thought about it, you weren't sure if reminding him of his other prophecy that was also about death was helping that.

"it's... interesting. a lot of people come up to me because of it, which is... strange. i remember this one kid was super desperate to get some pictures of me last year. because of what, that i was a special baby?" he asked, in disbelief.

you chuckled at that. "hey, stop looking down on powerful babies. you're their leader, you know!"

he grinned. "famous baby committee. members: me and malfoy. although i left the club 14 years ago, and malfoy became an active member when he started talking."

you laughed loudly at that. "yeah, he's still a member."

it was silent for a bit, as you two kept walking. then harry was the one that broke the silence.
"i suppose you know what it's like though. all that attention."

you thought about it for a bit, and then nodded. "yeah. i guess so. in a different manner though."

harry was silent, as if waiting for you to elaborate. so you did. "i just mean- at least people have expectations from you right? i mean- that must suck and everything, all that pressure and all... but when people look at me... that's all, you know? it's like it doesn't even cross some of their minds that i am capable of emotions, of wanting or doing stuff. that's just so crazy to me."

as you realised you were ranting you stopped talking. you felt bad for traumadumping your problems onto this boy who already had so much on his mind. after knowing him for two days.

"i get it." he said after a while. "i mean, the expectations definitely suck, yeah. but somehow it does feel nice knowing people acknowledge what i've been through. even if it means glorifying what happened to me, or expecting me to give up my life for that one single prophecy."

you hummed, taking in his words. you felt bad for him, you really did. "yeah. well. after all, you're a boy. you aren't an adult, you need to have your childhood too. but no one is going to understand that."
you glanced at him, and smiled. he smiled back.

you got to the classroom, and you turned to harry fully. "thanks for walking me, harry."

"no problem. i didn't have a lesson anyways." he said, bashfully. "see you tonight y/n."

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now