-ˏˋ⋆ -:- chapter ten -:- ⋆ˊˎ-

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third pov

in the morning, the girls dormroom was absolute chaos.

you pulled your pillow over your head, trying to get that last bit of sleep, but it was quite hard with everyone yelling about.

hermoine kept repeating that you had to leave now or you wouldn't get the full hogwarts breakfast experience, and that you wanted to make a good expression, which was of course important at your first day.

lavender had unpacked her cd-player that she took from home, and was now loudly screeching along the words to 'material girl' from madonna.

parvati was rambling about a boy she bumped into yesterday, and was now convinced they were soulmates. you were happy that they at least felt comfortable enough with you to be themselves.

you quickly got ready. you'd had enough of hermoine's nagging, and decided to humour her for your first day, as every other morning you would sleep as long as you possibly could.

you and hermoine walked down to the great hall, and your eyes sparkled at the breakfast that was laid out. just like last night, heaps of different foods on platters decorated the tables. you grabbed some of your favourites.

harry and ron arrived a bit later, sitting across from you again.

you greeted smiling.

harry's ears turned a bit red again, but you didn't notice. he quickly grabbed some breakfast to distract himself.

"blimey, how long have you been down here?"
ron asked, surprised.

your eye twitched as you answered in a very happy tone.
"half an hour now. got up at 6.30 too."

harry smiled sympathetically, he and ron both knew how hermoine could get with punctuality.

two guys you didn't recognise sat next to harry, one had short hair, and half a missing eyebrow. the other was a darker boy, with short curls. they seemed good friends, merrily chatting with eachother.

"what's your schedule look like?"
ron asked, while stuffing his face with pancakes.

"what a stupid question ronald, honestly. obviously she has almost all of her classes with us."
hermoine scolded. it seemed to be her life's goal to make ron weasley feel like an idiot.

you sweatdropped as you looked at him. how was it possible for one guy to have that much appetite? you swore you'd seen six go in there already.
"well, today i have divination and charms, and after lunch i have care for magical creatures and ghoul studies."

"ghoul studies?! you take ghoul studies?"

you suddenly heard. you turned to look at who spoke up, it was the boy with one destroyed eyebrow.

"uhm... yes?"
you answered carefully. this was quite the reaction.

the two boys looked at eachother in disbelief.
"ghoul studies? from schizo?"
the darker boy asked, looking at you.

you were confused now. schizo? as in schizophrenia?
"uh, i'm not sure? i'm new here, i don't quite know all the professors."

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now