╔══《✧. chapter eighteen .✧》══╗

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after school the next day, you walked towards the forest, curious on all that you'd find. or encounter on the way.

you got to the edge of it, looking around for jackdaw. maybe you should've specified which edge of the forest....

"hello again, magical student. you actually showed up, that takes guts." suddenly sounded behind you, making you spin around quickly.

you sighed once you saw jackdaws familiar face. "yeah, well guess gryffindor was the proper house after all. my name is y/n"

that made him laugh, as he started floating away. "truly! lovely name, pleasure y/n. shall we now?"

you followed after him, as you made short conversation. him speaking mostly. "yes, i'll take you, but i'm still not comfortable with visiting the place where i died, even after all this time..."

you could understand that, hell, didn't even want to think of this situation happening to you. "yeah... but if you never saw the place again, how do you know josephine placed back the papers?"

"oh, i saw her enter the forest with them, and asked her about it! she gave it to me straight. oh, the memories are coming back once more." you got closer and closer, as apparent by jackdaws whining.

on a parting of the path you were following, jackdaw abruptly stopped. "apologies y/n... but you'll have to find it from here. this is as far as i want to go. all you have to do is follow this path... and locate a birdbath."

"a... birdbath?" you asked, surprised. he nodded his head. "and once you find it, you say these words aloud; intra muros. it's either latin or greek... i'm not sure."

"it's latin." you muttered, before sighing. the forest wasn't that dark yet, but the sun started setting. the dark forest at night with others was fine, but alone? no thank you. "right. thank you, jackdaw. anything to mind on the way?"

"ah, yes... you'll run into a waterfall, and a stone bridge. i apologise that i can't take you all the way." he rubbed his neck. could ghosts feel itchy? and if they did, would scratching it ever relieve it? could they even scratch?

"it's alright, jackdaw. thank you for taking me here, i'm sure i will find it." you waved, and took off, following the thin dirt bath. loads of signs popped up as you kept walking, noting things like: "keep out!" "beware!" which were very comforting.

turning a sharp corner on the path, you saw a small lake, with a water fall. "that's one..." it was quite the pretty scene too, the light of the sunset cast on the water and the overhanging plants. you kept walking, till you had to cross a small river with a stone bridge.
"i have to be close now."

and indeed, when you walked a little further, you saw an open space, with a birdbath in the middle. you looked around, and one way looked quite interesting. a spiral pattern of stones, impossible to appear in nature. most likely, an entrance. you mentally cheered, and made your way to the birdbath.

"intra muros." you whispered, and for a second nothing happened. then, you heard a low rumbling, and turning to the spiral pattern, the stones quickly made way for an entrance, a cave.

"woah..." you walked up to it, laying your hand on the edge of the cave. you were about to enter, when...

"little far from school, aren't you little girl?" a gruff voice sounded behind you, making you shiver.

you turned around quickly, hand on your wand. the man who stood there was big, and wore some sort of black cloak, with a hood. you weren't an idiot, you'd seen those outfits before in news articles. deatheaters. you had heard that a long time ago lord voldemort had collected loads of followers, an outer circle and an inner circle. you also heard, a lot of them were still loyal.

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now