↳ ❝ [chapter nineteen] ¡! ❞

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luckily, the next morning, it was the weekend. you decided to skip the hogsmeade visit this time, too much going on and all.

you were up for a slow start, when you woke up you put on a big vest, and sat by the window for a cigarette, while you petted edgar. it was starting to get cold out, as it was nearly winter already.

then, you took a nice shower, and got ready. when you were finally fresh, you got dressed, and headed out in search for dumbledore. you had some things to discuss with him, including the man that you left in the woods. and the one that got away. you took the book too, because you wanted to take it immediately with problems dumbledore.

you wandered through the halls, it was very empty. small groups of students that didn't leave for hogsmeade either, lingered about here and there. you walked to the entrance of dumbledore's office, but before you reached it, you saw the bearded man approaching from a hallway next to you.

"professor dumbledore?" you asked, looking at him. he smiled. "ah, y/n. good to see you."

"professor dumbledore, i need to talk to you about some things that happened." you looked around you, making sure the halls were empty, before speaking. "i found the map chamber."

he nodded slowly, as if trying to remember. "i see. how did you get there?" you didn't know if he actually did remember.

"so much happened... first, i went to jackdaws rest- wait, i didn't tell that yet... so first, i found this book, beneath the restricted section."

he hummed. "by my map, i presume?" you blinked, and nodded bashfully. "yes..." luckily he didn't ask how you got into the restricted section. because there was absolutely no way you'd rat out mattheo. "then, i noticed the book was missing some pages, but this ghost informed me that he knew where they were. i went to his grave, and merlin so many spiders- i found the pages. but..."

he tilted his head. "but?"

"sir... at the entrance of that cave, there were deatheaters. two."

his eyes widened, and his wise old man exterior broke for a second. "are they already this close...?" he muttered, before looking at you with concern. "and yet here you stand, alive and well."

you nodded. "yes sir.. i managed to knock one out, but the other one got away." he looked thoughtful. "he got away? that's not good.. well, you truly are a bright witch. good job, y/n. where is he now?"

you rubbed your neck. "tied to a tree in the forbidden forest..." he chuckled at that. "we shall get him out, and send him off to the ministry. you're very powerful for your age, y/n. use it for good."

you nodded. "of course professor. well, then i found the map chamber. i spoke to professor rackham- in a painting- but he told me to take the book down. so i'll return today."

he nodded. "very well. i feel there's still something you wish to ask me?"

"yes, i was wondering... would you come down with me? professor rackham said we had much to discuss, and you're more known on the subject than me."

he smiled, and nodded. "naturally, i shall."

as you were rounding up your conversation with dumbledore, preparing to lead him to the map chamber, the entrance to dumbledore's office suddenly opened, and down came harry and professor lupin.

you looked at them. "harry?" he looked back at you, in surprise. "y/n, hey!" professor lupin smiled, and nodded in greeting. "professor dumbledore, y/n."

"what are you doing here?" you asked, in surprise. professor lupin looked at harry, as if asking him if he wanted me to know. harry nodded, and spoke up. "i've been taking lessons, with professor lupin. to better shield myself against the dementors and all."

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now