➳༻❀ chapter eight ❀༺➳

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third pov

you stepped out of the train, looking in wonder at the beautiful school. you were told to leave your suitcases in the train, as they'd be brought  up to your rooms for you.

you wandered out to the edge of the station, admiring hogwarts. it was quiet out here, the castle was quite secluded. you were so immersed in looking at the castle, that you forgot to follow the other students to wherever you had to go next.

"you know, i'd argue it looks better on the inside."
a voice sounded behind you.

you jumped a bit, turning around to look at who had talked to you.

you saw a blonde boy, really, almost so blonde that it hurt your eyes. he was quite handsome, but there was a certain smugness in his looks, and you weren't sure if you liked that.

"i'm sorry?"
you asked, not really because you hadn't heard him, but rather so he'd explain why he found it necessary to interrupt your main character moment.

"hogwarts. it's spectacular up close too. something you won't be able to see if you don't get on the carriages."
the boy said, with a superior tone to his voice.

you scoffed, crossing your arms. carriages this, carriages that. you'd get there eventually, wouldn't you? you could swim.
"thanks for the advice blondie."

"you must be that new girl enzo and theo told me about."
he smirked, looking you up and down.
"they were right about how pretty you are, but i'm not seeing much of the 'being sweet' part."

you looked away from him.
"i just give what i get. and all i'm getting from you is attitude."
you looked back at him as the blond boy didn't quite look pleased with your words.
"men used to fight wars.."
you muttered below your breath.

you eyed him for a bit. he definitely didn't look bad...

"you're friends with theodore and lorenzo?"
you spoke, in disbelief.

"what about it? blokes aren't that special are they now."
he rolled his eyes sassily.

you looked at him incredulously. how was it physically possible for someone this handsome to be so... so sassy?
"guess not... who are you anyways?"

"malfoy. draco malfoy."
he stuck his hand out for you to shake.

"well... nice to meet you then, draco."
you took his hand, but instead of shaking it, he brought it up to his lips, planting a small kiss on the back of your hand.

you blushed a bit, retracting your hand.

"pleasure's mine. now, let me take you to the carriages before you have to swim to the castle."
he grinned, and beckoned you to come with him.

you walked after him, albeit a bit indignant. what, did he think you couldn't swim or something? but you had to admit, sitting in a carriage sounded kind of good too.

by the carriages waited a group, with two familiar faces.
"finally arrived, draco?"
you heard an unfamiliar voice say.
"we thought the giant squid had gotten to you before you could make it inside."
sounded the familiar voice of theodore nott.

"oh sod off. i had to pick up a stray."
draco called out, then stepped out of the way so the group could see you behind him.

you waved awkwardly at theo and enzo, and they smiled back.

"heyy, princess. it's you again."
theo grinned, as you and draco came to a halt in front of them.

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now