══✿══╡°˖✧ chapter 20 ✧˖°╞══✿══

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when you got back to your common room that night, you were -of course- absolutely bombarded by cheers and questions of the students that were inside. you answered them as vague as possible, just playing  it off as having been lucky. though, if you asked yourself your incredible duelling skills saved you.

fred and george were the first two by your side, they basically teleported. they slung their arms around you. "how do you two always appear at the same place at the exact same time?" you questioned with a grin.

"good question." fred grinned. "it's because we're so incredibly like-" "and great-" "minded!" honestly, keeping up with who said who was getting too tiring for you. how did they manage to sound the same too?

"now, how on earth did you manage to find and defeat a death eater?" george asked, ruffling your hair. you didn't notice, but he quickly looked you up and down, seeing if you were hurt in any way.

"hey! it's not as if i was looking for them on purpose! i was out... adventuring. as one does." damn you and your bad lies! "and i just ran into him!" you decided not to tell the student body about there being two death eaters, the rumours didn't have to get any worse.

"luckily he didn't bloody murder you though. you've got protection up above or something." george chuckled.
"and adventuring?" fred grinned. "your life not exciting enough yet?"

"no no, of course it is. i love it here i just-" you started, though you weren't quite sure how you were going to finish that sentence.

"you're hungry for more! we have a cure. those dungbombs are shouting severus' name!" fred patted your back. "hey, first of all don't cut me off!" you elbowed him in the gut playfully. "second... hell yeah! when?"

"tomorrow. as soon as possible. but at night, we have to keep it sneaky of course. 11?" george said wisely, and you absolutely agreed. "tomorrow it is. eleven straight."

"right then" "good luck with the hords." "bye y/n!" and with that, they were gone. you shook your head amusedly.

then, a lady with less sense of humour about the situation came running up. "y/n! oh merlin, are you alright? what's this nonsense you fought a deatheater? i didn't even know those were still active! oh please say it isn't true." she was shaking your shoulders violently, and your brain was malfunctioning. you grabbed her hands, making her stop. you could see ron and harry jogging up to you behind her as well.

"calm down hermoine! yes, it is true. but i'm alright, i got lucky." she gaped at you. "are you... an idiot?! sneaking off at night, merlin you could have been killed by whatever's in that forest, or expelled!!!"

"i think what hermoine's trying to say is i- we were concerned." harry interrupted, rubbing his neck. "because that's really dangerous y/n, and really you must be bloody powerful to have survived. thank merlin for that."

you chuckled slightly. "it's fine! i was just trying to get to know the area better, and i couldn't sleep." yes y/n, smooth! "i got lucky this time, and i won't sneak out anymore..." less smooth.

she sighed, exasperated. "you'd better not. you're far too good a friend to get expelled." you smiled at that, and hugged her. naturally she hugged back, and it was a sweet moment.

but since you couldn't have anything around here, ron's voice sounded. "bloody hell that's so cool! so was he really more like a bear?"


the next day went on as normal, only some kids came up to you for what happened yesterday. you were getting really tired of the amount of times you had to say it was a coincidence, and you got lucky to survive.

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now