.·:*¨༺ chapter two ༻¨*:·.

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third pov

when the clock struck 6, you decided it was time to head home, dreading the impending conversation, but looking forward to getting some clearance about the situation. somewhere you did feel kind of excited, at the chance of attending a different school. not that you didn't like beauxbatons, but it was a quite boring, quite strict all-girls school. you only had a few friends, that you weren't very close to. the rest of the girls either didn't care about you or were envious because of your veela heritage. (which you found the stupidest thing ever)

you opened your front door, and saw your fathers coat hanging on the coat rack, indicating he was home already. before you stepped in, you sprayed on some strong body mist, to cover the weak smell of weed that lingered on your clothes. you stepped inside the house.

"dad? you home?"
you called out, kicking off your boots.

"in here y/n!"
you heard him call from the living room. you walk in, and see him at the dinner table, looking at some files, still in uniform. your dad was a muggle police officer, even though he was a halfblood. he used to be an auror, but after having been married to your mother for seven years, he'd decided he'd had enough of magic.

"hey dad"
you greeted softly, smiling as you sat down across from him.

"hey peaches"
he said, taking his eyes off the paper for a split second to shoot you a smile.

"how was work?"

"it was good."

"kicked any muggle ass today?"

he laughed. he had that strong dad-laugh. it sounded very mustache-like, although your dad didn't have a mustache. he'd recently shaven it off, much to your protest.
"no, it was a quiet day in the muggle world."
his face turned more serious.
"in the wizarding world not so much."

"why's that?"

"a murderer escaped azkaban. sirius black he's called."

"escaped azkaban?"
you said surprised.
"i didn't know it was possible."

"aye. me neither."

after that you both sat in silence for a while. after a few minutes, he sighed, sliding his paper aside, and looked at you.

"how was your day? something the matter?"
he asked, because usually by now you would have wandered off happily, turning on the TV or going outside.

"oh, my day was fine! just hung out with skampzilla, practiced a bit, went outside for a bit..."
you trailed off.

"... and?"

"dad, i got this letter."
you started out, looking at him.
"it's from dumbledore."

your dad looked surprised, furrowing his eyebrows.
"dumbledore? my old headmaster at hogwarts? he sent you a letter?"

you grabbed the letter, and handed it to him. you waited patiently as he read it.

when he finished, you both sat in silence for a bit again. then he spoke up.
"y/n... you know i'd have no problem with you attending hogwarts, if that is what you'd want. it's your mother that disagrees."

"dad, what do you really know about ancient magic?"

"... not much peaches. i had never heard of untill your mother brought it up. just that it's a force from long ago, and no one has been around to wield it for a long time. but, your mother believes that you can. and now, dumbledore too apparently."

you sighed, still confused.
"do you know why mom thinks it's dangerous for me to attend hogwarts? what's the difference between there and beauxbatons? and don't go telling me it's because i'm half veela, and i should attend an all girls school, because she's fine with me being friends with boys."

your dad looked at you for a bit.
"y/n.. alright. before your mother and i got a divorce, i asked her about it. i attended hogwarts, i wanted you to attend hogwarts too. at first she seemed to agree, but then a few years later, when i came home one day, she wanted to hear nothing about it anymore."

"that was when i used ancient magic according to her?"
you asked.

"yeah. i remember that day. before i left she was cleaning up out attic, wholly satisfied. but when i got back she just kept going on and on about how hogwarts was too dangerous for you, and we needed to hide the fact that you could harness it."
your dad said, reminiscing those times, those arguements.

"well... what now? i barely see mom, and dumbledore himself is asking me to hogwarts."
you said carefully.

"i don't know peaches, but if i know dumbledore he has a good reason for everything. maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea, hogwarts this schoolyear. either way, you should phone up your mother too."

you groaned. phoning up your mother? you loved her, truly, but she lived with her veela community in the outskirts of a bulgarian town, and if there was one thing she couldn't handle, it was phones.
"yeah... i will. thanks dad."

after a bit, your dad got up to make dinner, and you both ate together. he wasn't the most marvelous cook, which is why you often took it upon yourself to make dinner, but he insisted to make it for you every now and then, because he was 'your father y/n!'

after dinner you bid him goodnight, and walked to the stairs.

as you walked upstairs, to your room, your heart was beating. the summer holidays were already ending in three weeks, and in three weeks time there was suddenly the chance you'd be on the train to hogwarts! you suddenly realised how excited even the thought made you.

in your room you closed the door and threw yourself on the bed. by now it was dark outside, so you lit some candles. (you definitely didn't have a candle obsession)

after breathing in the scent of a vanilla candle, and gathering some confidence, you sat yourself on the windowsill, and opened your flipphone. you dialled her number, and after a long time, you heard crusty sounds from the other side of the phone.

"hello? mum, you there? this is y/n"
you called out.

"is... damned... on-?"
you heard a few sounds from the other side of the line, and then a loud shrieking.
"y/n!! are you there!!!"

"bloody- yes mum, i'm here! you can stop yelling!"

"oh- y/n! моя любов*! how nice of you to let me hear your voice. why do you never call!"
she screeches.
(*my love)

"mum- i do call. we talk like every two days."

"no, not enough. but ok, what you need?"
she talked properly through the phone now, not yelling anymore.

you took a deep breath.
"mum.. i want to go to hogwarts."

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now