0:00 ─chapter four─── 5:55

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third pov

when you got back from the diagon alley, it was already late, and you fell asleep almost immediately when you got home, just barely showering and getting ready.

the next few days went by pretty fast. your dad had been called back to the ministery of magic by the aurors, to help on the sirius black case. they needed his help because this was, in your fathers words, "a huge scandal, which will haunt the ministery forever if we don't solve it now."
you thought he was just repeating to you what he'd been told. which means he'd be gone untill the morning that he'd bring you to kings cross.

you spent the days with your bandmates, either being out and about, or practicing or the jig you'd set up for the last day of summer break. today was the day of the final rehearsals, one day before the jig. the summer was nearly over already, and although you were excited for hogwarts, it made you sad you'd have to miss your friends.

now, all four of you were in your garage, practicing a song from the album you'd be presenting. 'hotel' from the album 'the city'. the idea was that each song would be named like a different building or recreation center you can find in a city. 'hotel' was about hookers, and how unfair society treated them. with a catchy tune. you'd just recommend not thinking too deeply about that combination.

you'd just finished it for the third time, and you lay down your guitar for a bit.
"ughhhh it already sounds good though."
you groaned, having sung the lyrics so many times now that it drove you crazy.

"yeah, but it could be better."
mylo mumbled, playing the tune again softly on his guitar.

you sighed, making eye contact with noah and leo, who both shrugged. mylo rarely got passionate about anything, holding the record for 'most laid back guy ever'. but when it came to music, he turned into a perfectionist.

"noah, you can be more regular with your beats, you're leading after all. and maybe we should turn the bass up a bit, i don't want to be one of those bands that just ignores the bass."
mylo instructed.

leo moved to turn his stereo up a bit. noah scoffed a bit, but listened.

"what about me boss? anything to note?"
you said playfully, taking a sip of water.

"yeah y/n"
he actually started out, making you nervous.
"you're good. keep it up. don't be drunk during the performance tomorrow."

his words made you blush a bit, but then you scoffed.
"uhm! when am i ever to be honest."

that made them all speak up, saying you're drunk at the worst moments ever.
"and that while your dad is a cop."
noah said, snickering. he stopped laughing when he got a plastic water bottle thrown against his head.

"i am very responsible thank you very much."
you said, feigning offence.
"besides you're drunk way more often than me. remember, it wasn't my bike that ended up in a ditch!"

this comment started a small back and forth of bickering between you and noah, which mylo stopped.
"come on guys, one more time?"

you all groaned, but got ready to sing it one more time.

afterwards, you looked at mylo expectantly, and when he finally smiled the three of you cheered.
"yes!!! finally sweet jesus!"

"let's go out, we've got to celebrate!"

you quickly cleaned up the garage, and hit the pub. luckily, since our town was so small, practically everything was at walking distance.

you walked inside, and sit at a table for four, ordering some cocktails. they really should ask for i.d.'s here, but luckily they didn't. again, advantages of living in a small town that's stuck a few ages back.

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now