☆~ chapter fifteen(ゝ。∂)

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the next day, you were anything but focused. excited, scared? mostly excited. you were happy that you had well prepared your potions assignment; seeing ron scribble half of his, last minute, gave you second hand stress.

who knew, potions actually went by in a breeze if you just weren't interested in what snape was saying! you had much more important matters on your mind.

finally, it was nearly six. you noticed the time, and stood up from the table, causing your friends to look at you weirdly. "where're you headed?" harry asked, once again losing at wizard chess.

"uh, just meeting up with someone! won't be long?" truthfully, you didn't know if you would be long. who knows, maybe you'd never return.

"meeting up?" ron asked, but shrugged. "have fun then."

you nodded, and walked off. when you were gone, harry groaned, laying his head on the table.

ron's eyes widened. "well, it's not that bad to lose... you are getting better." hermoine sighed, shaking her head. "honestly ronald. harry, you shouldn't be so down. we don't even know who she's meeting up with. besides, you've only known her two weeks."

harry sat up again. "i know, it's not that..." he denied. ron still looked clueless.
"right. whatever you say." hermoine hummed.

"no, really. i'd just like to be friends for now. she's only just started hogwarts, i imagine she's going through a lot and all."

meanwhile, you saw mattheo leaning against the wall by the grand staircase. you walked over. "well well, there he is."

he grinned. "i'm mattheo, i'll be your tour guide today. do you know the disillusionment spell?"

you nodded. "yeah, i do." it was quite the simple spell, a lower grade spell that turned you invisible, but you could see it if you knew where to look.

"perfect. if you'd be so kind as to step into the library?"

you chuckled, walking into the library. it was quiet, but not empty. a few students sat in quiet corners, and the librarian sat by her desk, like always. "does she just.. never move?" you whispered behind you, to mattheo.

"i think so." he whispered, standing close to your back. "don't worry, i'll get us past her. wait near the restricted section. do you know alohomora? advanced version?"

you nodded. you'd worked on it a while.
"perfect." he whispered, walking to a random bookshelf near the librarians desk. you quickly cast the disillusionment spell, and made your way to in front of the gates. you peered back at mattheo, curious about his next move.

you saw him whip out his wand, and he carefully cast a spell at a bookshelf across the library, making nearly half the books fall out loudly. the librarian stood up angrily, stomping over there. you saw mattheo signal to you, as he walked over quickly.

you rapidly cast alohomora, making the gate open up. you snuck through, and after mattheo came through as well, you quickly shut it again.

you walked a bit deeper in the restricted section, before amusedly looking at him.

"how often have you done that?" you laughed. "i think if she ever does catch the library attacker, i'm dead meat." he grinned.

you wandered deeper into the restricted section of the library, still warily up-keeping the disillusionment spell. the shelves were dark and dusty, and as you ventured deeper you let go of the disillusionment spell to cast lumos.
"ugh.. i had no idea it was so.. dusty in here." you whispered, looking around.

mattheo chuckled softly. "yeah, well people don't come in here very often. apparently, the books here are real dangerous."

"apparently?" you asked softly. mattheo shrugged. "i unfortunately haven't found stuff that dangerous yet. haven't been looking long enough."

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now