some more information!!!

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heyy, quick break:

i'm not sure if the hogwarts legacy/ancient magic part of this book is followable? more will be explained later in the book, but i'll also just say some stuff here, to clear some things up.

so, the main character in the game hogwarts legacy, is your ancestor in this story. she's called josephine l/n. everything will be the same as in the game, josephine faced off against ranrok, completed the trials, and found the ancient magic repository. in this version, she decided to keep the repository there, and keep it hidden, only for a select few to know: the professors of hogwarts who were there at the final battle against ranrok. she added her own trial for the next person who would take the path of ancient magic.

dumbledore knew of ancient magic, because the old professors had put together a book, containing all they knew of ancient magic, and all that had transpired at the time. the book is not even kept in the forbidden section, but in dumbledore's office, for extra safe keeping.

i'm also adding my own element, by including veela into the ancient magic history. how they fit into the story will be explained later :)

alsoooo i'll explain later how voldemort fits into this

if anything is unclear, please do not hesitate to ask in the comments or something, because i honestly don't know if this is too vague <333

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