⇢ ˗ˏˋ chapter twelve ࿐ྂ

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the next few days you used to just settle into the school. it was still big, and confusing, but you found your way around a lot better already. you'd taken all your classes at least once, which was nice. you were taking twelve subjects in total, it would be a busy year.

right now you were taking; astronomy, charms, defence against the dark arts, herbology, history of magic, flying, potions and transfiguration as your core classes. you chose care of magical creatures and divination as your electives. you also took ghoul studies and art as extra-curricular subjects.

a few things stood out, you quite liked professor lupin in defence against the dark arts. maybe your opinion was biased because of the train, but he was charming and passionate about the subject.

what was less, was professor snape. your friends had warned you about him, but merlin, it was even worse. he'd started out his lesson by loudly disclaiming there was a new student, and then told you not to feel special or privileged because of the situation. it was quite embarrassing, and you'd rather not talk about it. especially because you were partnered with seamus for your first assignment, and although he was an absolute sweetheart, he was exceptionally bad at potions. he blew it up. you'd whipped out your mutated spell of episkey and repairo again.

herbology was really cool, seeing as you loved plants. you always took care of the garden at home, you loved getting green fingers. only the paperwork of herbology didn't really agree with you here at hogwarts. they had a weird system for keeping track of the plants you grew, that you just couldn't seem to apply.

you had only taken one class of astronomy so far, and although it was really a cool subject, the lesson you took was kind of boring. it was more a preparation for the real lessons, which would be in the evening, to see the stars. you actually had one tonight, you were pretty excited.

art was nice too. you didn't really know anyone in your class, but you didn't mind it. right now you were painting portraits, which you would later try to convert into moving portraits. key word: try. they had to be realistic enough, and made with a certain way of laying down your paint-strokes. one poor soul in your class was making some abstract painting, but none of you had the heart to tell him yet.

you did think about the ancient magic trials this week, what they would entail and stuff. but you hadn't gone to see dumbledore about it. you figured that it would be wise to just get to know hogwarts, before uncovering it's secrets.

now it was friday, and you were happily speeding your breakfast. you held yourself to your words, and slept in till as late as you could without missing breakfast. sometimes you skipped breakfast, because let's face it, lunch was all-you-can eat anyways. every meal at hogwarts was all-you-can eat.

you were the only one of your friends at the breakfast table, eating your cruesli as you read your book. you were now reading 'wuthering heights' again. you'd read it before, but come on, it was wuthering heights.

suddenly, you felt two presences at your either sides. the way they moved in sync, you didn't have to look up to know it was gromit and fascist.

"hey beauty." fred started. "what's up?" george ended.

"don't you guys ever grow tired of the twin telepathy trick?" you asked curiously, not looking up from your book.

"ne-" "-ver"

"now that's just reaching." suddenly your book was stolen from under your nose. "hey! i was reading that!"

"we noticed. but we didn't realise we got a second granger at hogwarts." george grinned, holding the book.

"are you secretly a bore?" fred snickered.

"actually, it's a muggle literature book. i'm not boring, because it isn't schoolwork." you grinned proudly. "and neither is hermoine. she's just very... motivated." you defended your friend.

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now