Cheshire Cat

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and being used for sexual pleasure. 

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Your Point of View ---

"What is it?"

You felt the tears start to come, instantly Bucky was in front of you, pulling you into his arms and he put his hand on the back of your head.

"What is it."

"Nothing just hold me." You buried your face into this throat.

"Tell me when you are ready." His voice was so sweet that you found yourself crying a little bit more.

"You need sleep...come on, lay down next to me and I will keep you safe."

You let him take the lead and pick you up with ease and take you to your bed, he crawled up next to you, holding you against him.

"Close your eyes and sleep, trust that if anything happens, I will take care of you, if Luna need something I will also take care of her, so just close your eyes and slow your breathing."

You did what you were told, putting a vast amount of trust into Bucky, if anything happened, he would take care of it, and in his arms you knew that Steve wouldn't show himself.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I kept holding her, she was shivering gently, it was so slight that I bet she didn't even realize that she was doing it.

I kept on holding her until she stopped shivering and stilled, I kept holding her until he breathing slowed down and she fell asleep.

I was happy that she did, she had been struggling with getting enough sleep, when I was sure that she was utterly passed out I pulled away from her.

I was thirsty, I walked into the kitchen and pulled out a glass, I got lost in thought as I filled the glass with ice than water.

I was about to turn around when a deep voice came from behind me.


I turned sharply, if my bionic hand hadn't been locked on the glass of water I would have dropped it on the ground.

"Steve." I deadpanned, his voice sounded deeper, how was that possible, and how the hell couldn't I sense him?

He stepped forward, his eyes were wrong, fuck everything about him was wrong, it was as if the darkness in him, the darkness I had always knows was there was now front and center, there was clearly no more hiding it.

Was this what the reality stone was doing to him? The Aether did this?

It was at this moment that I realized what was going on.

"You have been tormenting her, haven't you?" I growled at him, he didn't even have the good grace to look ashamed, he just gave me what could only be described as an evil smirk.

"I've been having fun." He leaned back against the counter, that was enough of an answer, I was pissed that he was the reason she has been acting so unsteady lately, I also wondered why she hadn't told me about him.

"You know Buck, you should be thanking me, I was the one that pushed her to you, I told her to be with you."

Something between anger and pain started to well up in my heart, but I did my best to temper that down.

"Bucky...I thought you said..." I looked up and saw her standing in the entry to the kitchen, he eyes were wide and fixated on Steve, he gave her a smile that was as wide as the cheshire cat's.

"Hello Baby Girl, you are just in time, I think the three of us need to have a little talk, wouldn't you agree?" 

Contrapasso ♡-- Steve Rogers Dark Romance (Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now