Trying to Find Him

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Your Point of View ---

{One Week Later}

You were asleep in your bed; Luna's room was across the hall and Bucky's was next to yours with an adjoining door. You were grateful that he hasn't pushed sleeping next to you, things were much to unsettled to be doing that.

You were not sure what woke you up exactly, but you woke up instantly sitting right up in bed – slightly sweaty, getting out of bed you put on a robe, walking into Lunas bedroom, just glancing at Bucky's room.

Everything was normal, you were walking to her crib and then you felt a chill, a draft – odd because it was normally so warm, you wrapped your arms around you.

The window was slightly open and a cold breeze was going into the room, you heard the soft waves outside – it was soothing and eased your anxious mind.

The had sent you to an island called Mayotte, a territory of France – it's an archipelago in the Indian ocean, located between Madagascar and east African Shore, you had never heard about this place, and it was basically paradise.

You racked your brain, trying to remember if you left that window open, you walked over and closed it, locking it tight. With a soft sigh you turned and looked in the crib at Luna, she was wide eyed and was moving around excited, she had been having trouble sleeping through the night.

"Hey little moon, happy to see mama?"

You heard the door open a bit more, your heart picked up for only a moment.

"Everything okay?" You looked up seeing Bucky standing there leaning against the door flame, he was shirtless and was looking at you with passively.

Gulping you looked at the window then back at him, decided not to say anything, you were sure that you had just forgotten that you left it open – worry can sometimes make people forgetful, you liked to smell the fresh air, and it was good for Luna.

"Yeah she's just restless."

He sauntered over to the crib and looked down at her, he moved his bionic arms, making a mechanical sound as the fingers moved – it intrigued Luna and she grabbed at his hand, playing with them, biting them.

At this position you looked closely at it, seeing all the many scratch marks by the edge of where his bionic arm started, the shoulder there were so many scars.

Absently an deep in thought you ran your hands across them. Your mind seriously was wandering way to much lately, it was unsettling.

"Bucky, why are there so many scars on your arm?"

He looked down at your hand like it was on fire, then he fixed his face and gave me a thoughtful look.

"When Hydra first made this arm, I tried to scratch at it to get my bionic arm off."

Pain filled you when you thought about him having to go through that.

"I'm so sorry Bucky... you can go back to Peggy, I know that she is a comfort to you, I will be safe here, who knows this place exists, seriously."

He leaned forward a bit, close, I could feel his breath on my cheek.

"I'm where I want to be, moreover I am where I should be"

Our foreheads met, and I took a deep breath.

"Do you want me to come to your bed? I will be gentile, I know you are hurting, so am I."

You kept on breathing in and out deeply, your heart picked up considerably. "I...I'm scared to say yes. I'm scared at how much I want this."

"There doesn't have to be feeling involved, just comfort and a pressure release."

You were not aware until you felt like tears were falling down your cheeks. You missed Steve, you had no idea where he was, and you felt so alone, and Bucky was familiar and you did care for him as well – not the same as Steve, but cared none the less.

"I'm sorry Bucky... I can't"

He leaned down and left a kiss on your forehead kissing it gently, he walked over to the crib and picked her up out of it.

"It's already 5 a.m... I'll feed and dress her and you make breakfast?" He compromised, you let out another sigh smiled up at him and nodded, touching his bionic arm affectionately you walked out of the room.

When you reached the kitchen the tears that you had tried to keep back were already going down your face – you were not sobbing but crying silently.

You were beyond grateful that Bucky was stepping up and helping you with all of this, but something bothered you so deep that it was like a knife deep in your chest that left near constant throbbing pain.

It should be Steve doing this, taking care of your little daughter, letting you cook him breakfast, domestic bliss and all of that, you wanted all of that with Steve.

Wiping your tears away you pulled out the eggs, bacon, cheese and biscuits to make the two of you sandwiches. Maybe going for a swim today with Luna and Bucky would help your sour mood some.

You were putting the sandwiches together when something changed, something in the air, a breeze and a familiar feeling, a smell almost.

"Steve?" Your voice was so soft and questioning, looking over at the door leaning to the deck and down to the was slightly open, did you leave that open to?

--- Shuri's Point of View ---

"I hate to be he one to put this forward, but are we even sure that Steve is till on his planet?" I asked worried, we have been searching and searching to no end and we were starting to lose hope.

"I doubt it, the sources that I have would have picked up on that, besides he's safer on this planet."

"Are you sure the Infinity Stone, hasn't killed him, and that is why we haven't seen him?" T'Challa sounded calm when he asked this, but being his sister, I could feel the hurt at him having to ask that.

"I doubt it – that's not what it does, but I need to actually get him here – or Asgard, I just need to find him – see him in person to work some things out."

"So we just have to wait until he surfaces? And just bide our time until he dose."

"I'm afraid so, but we need to keep looking in the meantime."

T'Challa turned and looked at him directly, his serious look. "We still don't know how to get it out of him?"

Thor looked away. "I'll come up with something."

Thor stepped out into the middle of the plaza, started moving spinning Mjölnir in a circle and shot up into the sky, disappearing again, no doubt to keep on looking for him.

There was a bit of silence between us. "How is she doing?"

"Her, Luna and Bucky seem to be settling in very nicely, the weather and the ocean should do them both good."

"I hope so, she has been though so much already."       

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