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Warning!! This story is a DARK ROMANCE, so it may not be a happy sunshine of a story, guidelines are followed but the theme is a dark one and the story is marked as mature. Still warnings need to be in place.

Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol,  and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Chapter contains elements of an extreme toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

{One Day Before You Were Taken}

"How could he just leave her alone there..." I growled, turning I saw Sam standing there, he moved in my way, I gave him a look and narrowed my eyes at him.

"You can't go after her."

"I'm not going to take her, I'm just going to go there and stay with her...until that asshole comes back, then I am going to punch him for hurting her."


Sam looked over the railing and saw just as Steve went into the room where his precious Peggy was, he shook his head. T'Challa should have fucking left well enough alone and not tell him right away – or at all.

"Yeah maybe we should go and see if she is safe, I'm coming with you."

I was a little bit annoyed with that, because I wanted to have some alone time with her, but I knew that he would follow me anyway.

"Come on let's go."

--- Steve's Point of View ---

{One Day Before You Were Taken}

I pulled back from her, instantly ashamed of myself, I had no idea why that had happened, I think I can chalk it up to temporary insanity. She looked around suddenly bashful that there were people around.

"What is it? Did I do something wrong?"

"No you didn't, I just...I'm sorry Peggy, I'm...I'm with someone, I shouldn't have done that."

Peggy put her hand against my face, I couldn't look at her in the eyes but I turned into her touch.

"You found love didn't you?" I saw both adoration and pain in her eyes, it hurt me to see that, but I couldn't just forget or deny everything that had happened. 

My heart thudded almost painfully at hearing the word 'love', yes I did love her, very much so.

"Yes, I found someone I love deeply."

"Where is she?"

Guilt suddenly thudded deep in me, and I had to dry swallow. Fuck I missed her, what in the hell was I doing?

"I left her where we were staying, I'm sure you found out about how I am on the run from the government for not signing the accords...well we were hidden somewhere."

"Did you leave her to come and see me?"

"Yes..." I muttered from a moan, suddenly everything came into focus, I loved Peggy sure, but I loved her as well, she was my Baby Girl, she was all mine.

"Peggy I'm sorry...I'm have to go get her and bring her back here, we can figure out what to do with you, but...I shouldn't have just left her there."

I immediately turned and T'Challa was in the doorway, as if he knew that I would come to this conclusion.

Contrapasso ♡-- Steve Rogers Dark Romance (Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now