Part of your Mind

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I looked down at Luna as I got her dressed, she was always so fixated on my bionic arm, when I got closer, she would reach out and grab at it.

I held my bionic hand up to her, instantly a smile broke out on her face, and she reached out, I wigged my fingers and she gleefully blubbered when she heard the sound of them moving, grabbed them and started to try and eat them.

"You are so cute."

She smiled again, I moved her to the crib, and I got myself dressed, I paid a bit more attention to what I was wearing.

I picked Luna up and walked into the kitchen.

She had food set out, breakfast sandwiches, somehow, she always cooks the eggs and the bacon perfectly, I put Luna in the pram, she had fallen asleep again.

"That looks good." I inhaled. "And it smells amazing."

I walked up to her and invaded her space, I tilted my head and kissed her, she didn't push me away – I deepened the kiss, it wasn't restrained at all, the kiss was demanding.

Soon I pushed her away roughly, enjoying the little whimper she made at me pulling away from her, I kept my hands on her upper arms, holding her still.

She looked away shyly, and stepped back, I let her go, she walked over to where the two plates of food where, she handed me mine and I sat down on at the table, she gave me a glass of milk and orange juice.

I started eating, and she was standing at the other end of the counter, and she was eating hers, slowly, unlike me, I was so ravenous that I was done with my first one and moved onto my second.

The silence between us was comfortable, so I didn't press it.

I watched her closely, her eyes shifted to the doors, I looked...they were open.

"Did you need to air out the kitchen?" I asked, finishing up the final bite of my breakfast sandwich I took a few gulps finishing my milk, I walked over and closed them.

"You didn't open them?" she asked gently, I noted the forced nonchalant tone of voice she was using.

"No, before you woke up I came out here to get some water, I am sure that they were closed."

"Oh... yeah now I remember, I opened it to get fresh air." She put her hand at her forehead. "I'm not pregnant anymore and yet I feel like I still have pregnancy brain."

I walked up to her and held her close.

"How are you doing in that aspect by the way?"

"I'll be okay."

"You know that you can tell me anything, I am here for you." I looked over at Luna. "I'm here for both of you."

--- Your Point of View ---

You did your best to calm your now hyper beating heart, you felt like you were going to throw up.

So that door was open by someone else? You have no idea why you felt the compulsion to lie to Bucky, you knew logically that you could trust him with anything. So you were kind of confused by your own actions.

You leaned your head against his chest, inhaling you realized he was wearing cologne, and it smelled good.

A part of your mind realized that Steve was near, he clearly had found you, you also knew that honestly there was nothing you could do about it, and you are not sure if you wanted to do anything about it.

Honestly you missed him, more than you should clearly.  

Contrapasso ♡-- Steve Rogers Dark Romance (Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now