Running Away with Bucky

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Warning!! This story is a DARK ROMANCE, so it may not be a happy sunshine of a story, guidelines are followed but the theme is a dark one and the story is marked as mature. Still warnings need to be in place.

Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol,  and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Chapter contains elements of an extreme toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I made my way to the underground bunker, it had been built decades ago, and decommissioned, only T'Challa knew that I sometimes came here.

It was an underground home, a normal haven for me – some place that I could call my own, and now it would be a safe place for her.

When I entered, I took her to my bathroom, running a bath for her in a small bath, she was no way near hypothermic, but she needed to warm up fast.

I want to set her down on a chair. 

"Easy doll, I am going to put you down then warm you up in a bathtub..." She looked up at me, her eyes so trusting, and she let me let her go.

I saw that she was mostly naked, I blushed and turned away, I was acting like a bashful schoolboy.

Back in the 1940's I didn't get much action with women, sure I dated but I hadn't seen many naked, I wasn't a virgin at all but since Hydra – I really haven't had the opportunity to date, let alone be with a woman.

I quickly filled up the bathtub after cleaning it, then when it was warm, I went back and grabbed her, I walked her in, trying not to blush as I stripped her down and put her in the water slowly.

She leaned back and her eyes opened, and she looked at me sadly.

"Thank you, this feels better...why did he leave me out there..."

I looked down.

"I'm sorry, I told you he had...issues when he gets dominant like that."

After a moment I think she realized she was naked, and curled up into a ball, shielding her body from my eyes.

"Thank you for saving me..." She smirked, I couldn't tell if she was teasing me or it was genuine.

"I'm sorry it took so long, I was trying to find you, I had an idea what he was going to do but I wasn't sure..."

She reached out and cupped my face, I turned into the touch, human contact felt good.

"You have nothing to apologize for Bucky, you saved me..."

She turned away from me and I heard her start to sob, I walked over to the dresser, and I grabbed her a towel, I walked back over and she looked at me, holding the towel open, I looked away as she stood up and stepped out of the tub.

In one fluid motion I wrapped the towel around her and picked her up, I walked her over to the soft bed that I had, laying her down on it.

She looked so distraught, but at the heart of it, it was as if she wanted to say something.

"What is it?"

I saw tears well up in her eyes.

"I care about Steve, I do...but...each time I think about him I feel like I am going to explode..."

Contrapasso ♡-- Steve Rogers Dark Romance (Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now