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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Your Point of View ---

You wrapped my arms around yourself and started to shiver still crying – even thought it was warm in the room, and after a moment you were damn near hyperventilating.

You were baffled as to how he could push you into Bucky's arms, that was absurd, he normally never would have sent you to him, he was way too possessive of you.

Steve didn't even make a play to touch you, he was so cold and distant, it was strange – completely unsetting that your body almost didn't know how to respond to it, he normally could never take his hands off of you.

You crawled onto the bed and curled up in a ball, still shivering as if your body was out of your control, you closed your eyes and breathed in and out, forcing yourself to settle down – you knew that you needed to get control of yourself.

You didn't realize that you had passed out until you felt a hand gently shake you.

You woke up started to see the calm and serene expression coming from Bucky's face.

"Hey doll..."

"Hey..." You had the impulse to tell him about Steve, you knew that you really SHOULD tell him about Steve, but something prevented you, something emotionally seemed to stop you, you looked around frantic.


"I fed her, gave her a bath, and put her down to bed... it's kind of late, you looked exhausted so I let you sleep – come on, I made us some dinner, you should eat, clearly you hadn't eaten anything all day."

He held out his hand, getting off the bed you took it, smiling, you actually were starving, when you walked into the kitchen you saw he had been working.

There were plates with hot food, some chicken dish with a side of potatoes and asparagus, there were candles – it was fucking romantic.

You had a moment to ponder, trying to remember if Steve had ever done anything like this for were sure he hadn't.

"Bucky I don't know..."

", let me take care of you tonight."

He pulled out a chair for you and you sat down in it, he took the plate opposite from you.

"This smells wonderful, I don't know what to say, thank you."

He smiled at me "that thank you is all that I needed to hear."

The two of you ate in a comfortable silence, only you peppered that silence with questions about how his day was with Luna, you loved seeing him light up when he talked about her – acting like a proud father.

You had the random thought of giving this amazing man a child – he was such a natural father.

You were taking a bite of the potatoes when a chill went down your spine and you struggled to swallow the bite.

Call it mothered instinct, a sixth sense, intuition, maybe a shift in the air presser or something, in this moment you couldn't describe it but you knew beyond a doubt that Steve was in the house, and he was with Luna...just like he said he would be.

Your eyes shifted to the baby camera you had set behind Bucky on the table - it had gone dark when you were sure just a few moments ago it was on as you glanced at it from time to time checking on her.

You kept your composure.

Not because you wanted to protect Steve, that wasn't what scared you, Steve was not himself, there was something in Steve that terrified you, you were scared he would harm Bucky.

So you did your best to hide your emotions.

"I missed you today."

He looked up shocked at you.

"You did?"

"Yes... I'm sorry that I rebuffed you before, I was just unsure." You saw his eyes get wide then he seemed to get control of himself.


You closed your eyes briefly and took a deep breath, realizing that since you had Steve blessing on the fucking matter, so why not.

"Will you come to my bed tonight?"

He set down his for and fixed me with a serious look.

"Are you sure doll...don't offer something like that if you don't mean it." The desperation in his voice broke you unexpectedly.

"I wat to feel you again...emotionally and physically."

"I would love that..."

You looked over his shoulder and saw that the camera was on again, and you saw that the window in her room was slightly open, you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw Luna still in her crib – clearly asleep, Steve had kept his word, she was safe.   

Contrapasso ♡-- Steve Rogers Dark Romance (Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now