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Warning!! This story is a DARK ROMANCE, so it may not be a happy sunshine of a story, guidelines are followed but the theme is a dark one and the story is marked as mature. Still warnings need to be in place.

Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Chapter contains elements of an extreme toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Steve's Point of View ---

I had to get in contact with a few people and I focused on that for a while, leaving her alone, I had found us a place in Svalbard, Norway, close to the north pole.

Bucky would not follow us there and neither would Tony, it was remote and private.

I was feeling a bit more at ease and not so upset when I walked back, I didn't want to fuck her, even though most of the time being close to her caused my body to have that instinct desire.

I kneeled next to her, watching her closely. She was so beautiful and innocent, even as I slowly started ruining that innocence.

She looked a bit unsettled and that broke my heart, I put finger and ran it up and down the bridge of her nose, she whimpered a little, shuffled then settled.

I noticed then that she had been a good girl and obeyed me, she was naked but she had passed out, my eyes narrowed, it didn't look like she had eaten anything.

That bothered me, I decided to let her sleep, I walked back to the front of the aircraft, I put my head in my hands and after a while I pulled out my compass, more out of habit.

Opening it I saw a picture of Peggy, I still was upset that I never got my date or my dance with her.

I sighed, her and my baby girl were so different from one another – they were very words apart as far as their personality, sexuality and temperament. The things that I did to her I knew would never fly with Peggy, also I cared about them different.

That was the hard part about this, Peggy was my first love, the one that got away, the one that I would always crave, and I wasn't sure of my choice if I had the option between the two of them right in front of me.

I wasn't supposed to fall in love with my Baby Girl, at first, I thought I would just have some fun with her at her home, show her an amazing time then move on.

It wasn't working out like that.


I snapped the compass shut and turned and looked at her, she had a sheet wrapped around her, she was looking at me sadly.

"Why didn't you eat?"

"I...I'm sorry."

I stretched where I was sitting.

"You need to eat."

"I know, nothing looked good, I'm sorry."

"Bucky had been spoiling you."

I saw tears well up in her eyes, and she looked away.

"I can't go home can I?"

"Do you want to?"

"I, I don't know."

"You know that you are in danger now, if Tony get's a hold of were harboring a fugitive, and I have a feeling that he would use you have leverage...come here and sit in my lap."

Contrapasso ♡-- Steve Rogers Dark Romance (Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now