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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and sexual punishment.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I moved quickly and put myself between him and her, she stepped forward and I gently pushed her back with my bionic arm.

Honestly there was something very wrong with him and I didn't like the fact that he had been in contact with her.

I could tell that she was upset and distraught the past few days, and I knew it was fucking Steve that was tormenting her in some way – I knew for sure it was psychological.

How could he do this to the mother of his child? To a woman that he clamed to love, that he was ready to marry her.

"There is nothing to talk about." I growled.

"I want to have access to my daughter."

"Why would you want access to her, you are no yourself."

He crossed his arms and gave me a very leveled look, his eyes narrowed, I watched as they turned back to his regular blue color and his shoulders seemed to relax."

"I'm mostly still me, I miss my daughter, just like any father would."

I opened my mouth to protest more but she spoke up behind me.

"I don't want to let you take her overnight, can visit her whenever you like, when Bucky and I are here."

I looked back at her, she gave me a wide-eyed look, pleading almost.

I turned back and looked at Steve, he seemed to be thinking it over, running his hands though his hear - and he tugged on it in frustration, that was a curious move, something he never did before when he was stressed, the new mannerisms were strange.

"I suppose that is a reasonable compromise."

"You know I am going to tell Wakanda that I had found you."

He raised his eyebrows. "No need for that, I mean you and her no harm and I certainty mean no harm to my daughter."

I felt her rest her forehead against the left side of my back just behind my shoulder blade.

"Please let him just see his daughter, I don't want any more drama." Her voice was soft and pleading, I let out a sigh.

"I'll only tell Wakanda if she tells me to, it's late and she needs to sleep, you have stressed her enough."

He smirked.

"Always so protective."

"Because I love her Steve, please leave."

He seemed to mull it over in his head, then with a nod he turned and left out the door leading outside from the kitchen, I shut it and locked it.

--- Your Point of View ---

You felt like you were looking at a stranger, that was until Steve's eyes changed, it was as if a vale had dropped from around him and he was his old self.

That was what was starting to break your resolve, Steve was still in there, and it was killing you that he didn't want to be with you.

Bucky walked up to you and putting his knuckle under your chin made you look up at him, you found that you were about ready to cry.

"You look exhausted – we can talk about this and deal with everything in the daylight, let's get some will feel better." Nodding you turned and started walking to the bedroom, when you laid down on the bed you felt the exhaustion wash over you, and you felt yourself fall into a deep sleep right as Bucky wrapped his bionic arm around your waist and pulled you against him in a comforting manner. 

Contrapasso ♡-- Steve Rogers Dark Romance (Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now