Two Hours Later

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Steve's Point of View ---

The moment that I got to the house I was shocked to see that she and Bucky were sitting down to dinner, it was around 10p.m. she should have been in bed. Why were they having dinner this late? She knew that I was going to come by to see Luna.

I watched them together, and my normal emotions – anger and resentment were simply gone – he had slept with her before, so I saw no harm in him doing it again.

I still felt love for her, but it was muted mostly and buried so deep down that I felt like I couldn't get to it, it was simply just to far out of reach at the moment.

I didn't care if he slept with her, in fact with how tense she was I thought that it might do her some good, I knew that this was insanity for me to think about, or to even press the matter but I wasn't myself.

No matter, I cut the feed to the baby monitor using the deep magic that I somehow now possessed, I cut it because I didn't want her to see me, or Bucky, I didn't want to have to defend myself, and god knows I would. 

I crawled in the window, walking over to her crib looking down at her sleeping form, reaching down I ran my finger across her tiny cheek.

I looked down at my beautiful daughter, I knew that I could never take her from her mother, no matter how much darkness was in me, I missed my little girl.

"I'm so sorry I'm gone so much..." I apologized to her, I leaned over the crib and kissed her forehead.

--- Your Point of View ---

You finished your meal, you got up to start cleaning up dinner, only to have Bucky beat you to it.

"Sit, I'm taking care of everything tonight, you have been such a good homemaker let me paper you for once."

He got up and grabbed the plates, you watched as he quickly cleaned them and put them in the dishwasher, you noticed he had already cleaned up from cooking.

He opened the freezer and pulled out what looked like ice cream into some nice dishes, he brought it over and you noticed that he had broken a cookie and put it on the side of the ice cream, it looked fancy.

"Thank you." As he set yours down in front of you, you saw that is flesh and blood arm was shaking ever so slightly.

"You're welcome" He sat down across from you and started eating himself.

Slowly you finished your ice cream, this time you got up and helped him, you met him at the sink, he took your dish and set it down.

You couldn't stand it anymore, you grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him forward, kissing him.

The moment your lips touched there was a familiarity that was so comforting that you simply melted into it.

His kiss was hesitant for a moment, soon his hand was on the back of your neck pulling you forward, kissing you more firmly.

After a moment he pushed you back, you let out an involuntary whimper at the loss of contact.

"Let's go to come to mine..." It was a dominant move, he was calling the shots, and you were going to let him tonight, you didn't want to be in control anymore, you wanted to give up some of your power to him.

He walked and grabbed the monitor and you walked to his room, you stepped in, and he kept the lights off, there was a string of light across his dresser, casting the room in an eerie purple glow – you had never been in his room, so this was your first time seeing it.

You stood in the middle of his room as he set the monitor on the bedside table, he took off his shirt and turned to face you, you saw his face was in shadow.

"I'm not sure if I can be as gentle as I'm sure you's been so long for me."

"I'm not made of glass, take me as you want."

"Good...come here." 

This felt like a betrayal to Steve, but then again, he was the one who gave him blessing, so you were just going to go with it.

{Two Hours Later}


"Keep begging, I love hearing it."

He had been keeping you on edge, you felt him start moving behind you, his bionic arm had a firm grip on your hip and the other was holding your hand – holding you arm above your head.

You were utterly submitting to him.

"Just cum one more can do it."

He was just as bad as Steve, he just kept going, but his main goal seemed to be making your orgasm as many times as you could.

This would be your fourth, and you were not sure if your body could handle it, you were so turned on – more than you had ever been, and that wasn't an exaggeration.

"One more baby...come on." He lifted your hips and hit just the right spot sending you all but flying over the edge making your whole-body shake.

You were still in the throws of an orgasm when you felt him finally cum in you, with a deep growl coming from his own mouth.

Contrapasso ♡-- Steve Rogers Dark Romance (Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now