Egg and Cheese

148 13 4

Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and the supernatural.

--- Your Point of View ---

The headache that was starting to form was odd, you had a feeling it had to do with the stress of having to deal with Steve, and your conflicting but also very clear feelings for Bucky.

You let the water cascade down your back for a while, letting the hot water start to loosen your tense back muscles.

You rolled your shoulders and actually started to clean yourself off. You stepped out of the shower and dried off, giving Rooster a few rubs as he fell back asleep on the bed.

As you were getting dressed you let yourself start to think of the future, it was something that you hadn't really thought that deeply about, not sense Steve had found you in Oakley, Utah, you sighed, that felt so long ago – but thinking about the timeline it really wasn't THAT long ago.

You walked out of the room and walked right into Luna's room, going to her crib you saw that she was very awake, and she smiled when she saw you and started to move in excitement.

You smiled at her and picked her up, quickly changing her and putting her in an outfit for the day, then you set her down on a pillow on the floor and started to restock the diaper bag.

It was amazing how something so mundane as packing for your daughter could make you feel more grounded in the moment, when you packed it you put it on your shoulder and picked her up.

You walked into the kitchen to see Bucky cooking.

"We need to go to the store today, we should do that, we are running low on eggs."

He turned to me and looked at Luna.

"Do you think she is ready to try some solid food?"

I shook my head.

"Shuri said to wait another month or so, she is well ahead of a normal human baby development – that's the super soldier in her - but we should still go slowly when introducing new food.

He smiled at her.

"Luna you are going to love eggs and sausage..."

"Here let's switch, I'll make her a bottle and feed her and you get some food."

He turned and handed you plate with an egg, cheese and bacon bagel and you handed off Luna to him and he gave her a smile at her that she returned.

Dealing with the stress of Steve becoming whatever in the hell he was now, and the stress of being kind of a single mother, you had been neglecting yourself for a while, and you were losing weight, in the shower you had decided that you were going to start putting yourself first.

You sat down at the table and took a bite, when you looked up and saw Steve standing in the now open doorway.

'How the fuck did he open that without us noticing?' Your brain wondered, because Bucky had his back turned to Steve and he hadn't heard anything.

"Bucky..." He turned at your voice and you looked over at the wide door and he saw Steve.

"Fuck Steve, warning." He growled hugging

"I heard that you need to go shopping, do you mind if I stay with Luna, sometimes taking a kid to the store is hard..." Steve deadpanned, looking over at you, you saw desire in his eyes, it was an expression you had become familiar with.

You swallowed dryly. 

Contrapasso ♡-- Steve Rogers Dark Romance (Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now