Luna Returns

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Warning!! This story is a DARK ROMANCE, so it may not be a happy sunshine of a story, guidelines are followed but the theme is a dark one and the story is marked as mature. Still warnings need to be in place.

Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Chapter contains elements of an extreme toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Peggy's Point of View ---

The most painful thing that I had to witness so far being stuck in this stupid time was watching Steve dote and coddle his daughter.

I wasn't mad that she was born, but I was mad at who she was born to – and the fact that now I realize that I will never have a child of my own.

And that deeply wounded me, I looked up at the balcony where I knew Steve and his sluts room was, I saw him at the window as he pulled the curtains shut.

I had seen the darkness in him that I was warned about, he was so violent and mad – he wasn't my sweet Steve Rodgers anymore – my noble Captain America – but my feelings for him were still there despite of the darkness.

I was so fucking focused I didn't even hear Mr. Barnes walk into the room.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I looked at the window, Peggy was standing there lost in thought.

I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to keep the two of them for one another more for Peggy's sake, the did tests on her, privately – and found out that her body wouldn't be able to have a child – yet alone a super soldiers child, and considering they found out that she almost died giving birth to Luna – the idea had been shelved.

I could feel the loneliness and isolation come off of her in waves of frustration.

She was stuck in a time that wasn't her own and now she found out she was infertile. So I knew seeing Luna and her mother with Steve would dig a knife into a wound.

I walked up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders.

She jumped a little bit, then seemed to realize who I was and leaned back into me.

"Hi Buck."

I wrapped my arms around her.

"You alright?"


"Hey how about we go away for a while, I can keep a low profile, let's get out of here."

She seemed lost in thought then turned to me.

"I would like that...should we tell Steve?"

I wasn't sure why she would ask that, but I shook my head.

"There is no need for that."

She looked around a little, before her eyes focused on me, her red lips in a slight pout – she would never know what that does to my very soul. "What if he wonders where I...we are?"

"There is no need for that, we can just go, besides they are so focused one the new baby and each other that I doubt they will care where we are."

I saw something akin to hurt cross her face, but she nodded and seemed resigned to things, then a smile played across her face.

Contrapasso ♡-- Steve Rogers Dark Romance (Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now