Rooster Returns

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Warning!! Chapter contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence,gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury. Chapter contains elements of toxicrelationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I woke up to find my bed empty, I really didn't like that and I got up, walking first into Luna's room, my heart slowed when I noticed that she was sleeping soundly, T'Challa had just sent over Rooster and he was curled up against Luna purring, that cat had been hard to catch as he was wandering Wakanda and everyone was feeding him.

I walked into the front room and looked at the oven for the time, it was 2:10 am, the room was dark but in the moonlight from the open back door I saw her curled up on the couch, arms wrapped around her legs.

"You alright doll?"

She didn't look at me, softly I called her name and finally she startled and turned and looked at me.

"I'm sorry..." She apologized.

"What for?" I asked, I was shocked when she jumped up and all but threw herself into my arms sobbing, I held her tightly against me – gently moving her back and forth, my bionic hand tanged in her hair.

"Talk to me doll, what is going on."

--- Your Point of View ---

{1:10 am}

Bucky was fast asleep as you walked into the front room to get a glass of water, you were still a bit shaky after what Bucky hand done to you, you drank it down in a few gulps and as you walked back to the room you glanced over to the living room when I saw the door was open, standing in the threshold was Steve.

The two of you simply stared at one another for a long pause, you were at a loss for words, you missed him, and seeing him hit a spot in your heart that you didn't realize was as soft as it was.

He stepped forward slowly. "Thank you for letting me see Luna, being apart from her has been, shockingly torturous."

"You're welcome...I'm sure she was more than thrilled to see her father."

"You seemed to enjoy your time with Bucky, he seems to please you."

You balked at that; his tone of voice was so strange and disconnected.

"How could you send me to him? How did you know what our time was like?"

He smirked at me. "I'm nearby Baby Girl, and you kept your window open."

His expression turned sober after that, and he gave you a level look. "I told you to go to him because he is who you should be with, he can keep you safe, and give you what you deserve."

There was such honesty in his tone of voice that it felt like someone was firing at your heart.

"But us..."

His eyes narrowed. "What about us?" He fixed me with hard look – eyebrows raised in a questioning manner as he slightly tilted his head, he had never looked at you like that so you said nothing. "Come on Baby Girl, we were never going to work out, I'm to damaged to be with anyone, you are damages goods as well, and I just don't want you anymore. I don't know why you had such a hold on me."

You blinked a few times trying to stop the tears that were threatening to spill down your face. "I love you can you say that..."

"That may be true – I know you love me – it's pathetic really, but I feel nothing for you, and I don't love you."

You felt your body take an sharp intake of breath, as if you were struck by a physical blow.

"'re lying, why would you say that?"

He smirked again as he walked forward and stood before you; his expression was serious as he looked you up and down with his arms crossed.

"I don't want you...really, but I have to now put up with you because of Luna."

Tears started to fall, he was lying, you knew that he had to be lying, but he seemed so honest.

"Please leave..."

He let out a soft laugh.

"See you later..."

He waked out of the door and you were shaking so bad that you sat on the couch pulling your legs up to your chest you wrapped your arms around them...what the hell just happened?

Contrapasso ♡-- Steve Rogers Dark Romance (Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now