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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

--- Your Point of View ---

You woke up with Rooster on the end of the bed, and when you moved, he let out a meow of displeasure and jumped off of the bed.

Sitting up you stretched a little bit and turning to the side you saw that Bucky was awake, his head propped up on pillows and he was looking at you with an easy-going and loving smile.

"Uh hi."


You looked around.

"She woke up a few hours ago, I fed and changed her and put her back down." He explained, as if he knew that what you were worried about.

"Thank you..."

"Come here."

He reached over with his bionic arm, the sound it made was oddly erotic as he moved you to straddle his waist grabbing your hips roughly holding you still.

"Bucky...are you sure? I mean Steve.."

"I know doll, I know, I still want you."

He kept eye contact with you as he moved his boxers down a bit and lifting you up with ease he slowly lowered you down onto his cock.

Whimpering you moved your hips, trying to get comfortable, when you were he started moving you against him, you braced your hand forward on his chest as he moved your hips.

"Fuck..." The word was so soft you wondered if you had heard it correctly, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, you were fascinated watching him get lost in the feeling.

You had never looked at him so closely when he was vulnerable like this, fully sprawled out infront of you, almost like an offering of sorts.

You licked your lips as you noticed the slight mechanical whirring of his arms as he moved his fingers to grip your hips tighter, and arm slightly back and forth moving you on his cock– the flex of his neck muscles and his flesh and blood arm, raw and unchecked power. And he was gentle with you even though you knew that he had the utter power to destroy you.

It was bewilderingly erotic, you were so engaged and entranced with watching him you somewhat forgot that he was fucking you in a way, finally he let out a moan, his neck moving back a little bit more flexing as raised his hips at the same time he held you firm against him, you felt his warm cum in you, the kind of warmth that only comes from a super soldier body.

He opened his eyes, a beautiful blue color, if could have sworn that they were darker than before.


You said nothing, you leaned down and kissed him in a very unguarded manner, he kissed you back, tangling his flesh and blood hand in your hair, after a moment he yanked you back and gave you a hard and serious look.

"I'm sorry I didn't make you orgasm, I just got lost in my..."

You put your hand on his lips, his eyes widened at your move, but he shut up.

"Pleasure doesn't always have to be quid pro quo, what do you want for breakfast?"

He gently moved you off of his softening cock and laid you down next to him.

"I'll make breakfast, you can shower and get Luna."

He leaned down and kissed you; you smiled as he got up and walked into the bathroom, you moved onto your back and looked up at the ceiling fan as you heard the shower turn on.

Bucky and Steve are so vastly different when it came to making love, that was the thing, Steve rarely made love to you.

But you were still heartbroken, no matter how much you love him – your heart was with Steve, the father of your daughter, and having him push you to Bucky was so heartbreaking.

Bucky came out of the bathroom naked, you enjoyed the view before he got on some boxers and sweat pants, he looked over his shoulder and smirked at you.

"Shower is all yours."

"Thank you." You got up as he left the room.

--- Steve's Point of View ---

I woke up in a cold sweat and breathing hard I looked around the bare room that I was in, I closed my eyes tight, I had dreamed of her eyes again, they were more memories of her, all the looks that she had given me.


I was haunted by the loving looks, and the day before it was fear, and the day before that it was anger.

I swung my legs to the edge of the bed and let out an annoyed sigh before standing up to wash my face.

No matter how much I kept on pushing her away, something deep in me kept on wanting to go closer to her, she was like a drug that I couldn't quit. 

Contrapasso ♡-- Steve Rogers Dark Romance (Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now