Chapter 45 - A Piece of Me

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- Freen's POV -

The sunlight peaking through the tent woke me up from my deep slumber. Our naked bodies are still covered by the blanket that we brought with us.

I remembered carrying Becky inside our tent after making love under the stars twinkling above us. They are the witness of our undying love for each other.

After tucking Becky under the blanket, I sat by the edge of the opened tent cover as I watched how the stars disappeared as the moon finally showed itself into the night sky.

Its so beautiful..

Can I make a wish to the moon? I know its stupid and crazy.. But, I won't lose anything anyway..

My only wish is to spend a lifetime with Becky..

Only that one.. Will you grant that to me?

They say that the moon and the water associates with each other because they exert gravitational pull against each other. This gravitational pull creates what we called tides. And just like tides, these tides in real life are what we called challenges. If we swim through and overcome them, we might be able to find our goal..

And for me? That goal is a lifetime with Becky.. And that's all I want..

I know I sound like an idiot but as I closed my eyes, my hand travelled to touch my chest where my heart lies and made my wish to the moon..

Hoping that it will be granted..

"Good morning.." I woke up at the sound of an angel greeting me in the morning as I opened my eyes.

"Good morning.." I replied and smiled at her.

"How was your sleep?" She asked looking at me with her elbows propped on the soft blanket while looking at my face.

"It was perfect.. Just the same as how I woke up now." I answered as I gently leaned in and planted a kiss on her pointed nose.

"God! You're so perfect.. I can't get you off my mind, specially after what happened last night." She playfully said to me and I gave her a sweet smile as my mind rewinds our moments last night.

"Me too, Bec. Me too.." I replied scrunching my face at her and she giggled at me.

"Sooooo.. What are we going to do today?" She asked me as her tiny fingers gently traced my collarbones sending shivers down to my spine.

"How about we climb the mountain peak and jump?" I suddenly blurted out that made her eyes so big.

"WHAT!? Are you serious!?"

"Maybe? I mean I brought parachutes, you know?" I replied chuckling at her.

"When did you learn how to use parachute, Freen!?"

"Well, I don't.. Someone offered it to me and I impulsively bought one."

"When and where?"

"Before I entered the motor shop while you were buying in the grocery."

"You're insane! Do you know that?"

"Only if you want. We can watch some videos on how to use it."

"I'm scared of heights, you idiot!"

"But I'm here with you. I'm gonna take the fall."

"I hate you, Freenky!"

"I know, I love you too." I replied to her mischievously.

"You just need to choose if we hike down or we jump." I added.

"Fine! We jump, but I'm gonna kill you if we crash!!"

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