Rosewood high

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Spencer's POV

Today, is my first day back from summer break. As I walk through the aqua 9 feet tall gates I mutter to myself
'more like a prison than school'
I make eye contact with a small, plumpish brown haired girl, her eyes shift onto the boy in front of me, from the back I can't work out who it is. Although, after a 6 week break it could be anyone.

Toby's POV

Today, was my first day at a new high school, rosewood high. I was feeling optimistic considering I'd had to move from 4 schools now. As I walk towards the impending gates I look down at my shoes, the soul is ripped and my toe is practically hanging out, I sigh
'If only I could stay in one place for long enough'
I glance behind me and see a tall, brown haired girl, I don't look for long as I reach the gates. Once inside, I'm met with glares and whispering, is there something on me? Do they know me?

3 hours later....

Spencer's POV

One thing I have to do today, avoid miss Morgan. Last term, I may of stolen something of hers..Anyways I am not talking to her today. I make my way to the tennis courts as its lunch. Whilst, walking there I notice the 10 quarterbacks coming towards me, Ben the team leader is my ex. Jake, bens best mate shouts
'look out, I see a slut, hoe whatever she is, and she approaching us'
Omg, who does he think he is
'son of bitch' I murmur, whilst sticking my finger up at Ben. As I get closer to them, jake continues
'lost your virginity at 15, don't lie Ben told us, with your old boyfriend.'
I choose not to reply, seen as I know it was hearsay, as if they believe Ben. Being the most popular girl in Rosewood high is a challenge you know, and you know what I hate it.

As I get past the quarterbacks I hear them laughing, so I turn, to see Ben smack the lunch out of the boy I saw this mornings hand. Jake smacks him in the back of the calve and he drops onto his knees. Joe, is a ginger prick never liked him, never will. Joe smacks the boy in the ribcage, bound to break them. I gasp, I'm not having this.
'stop, ben fuck off' I push through the circle the quarterbacks had made. Joes about to slap the boy, I grab his hand as hard as I can
'ouch, stop what is wrong with you' Joe screams,
'o sorry, cant stand the pain, well don't do it to others.' Joe gets up and leaves. 'go on all of you, you're like a pack of wolves, soon you'll turn on each other.' None of them move, I walk towards Ben.
'oh don't get to close, don't want to catch diseases now' Ben smirks, and the quarterbacks laugh.
'o you think you're funny? guess what little quarterbacks, guess which team leader still sleeps with a teddy bear.' I smirk back, the quarterbacks laugh
'he sleeps with a teddy' the quarterbacks begin to walk away each tapping Bens shoulder as the walk past repeating the same thing. lets say Bens face compares to a tomato. He pushes my shoulder and turns around.
'ha, bye ben.' immediately, I spin around and run over to the boy
'Omg, are you ok?' he opens his eyes, nice blue eyes.
'ouch' he clutches at his ribs
'be careful, here let me see' he lifts up his top, his rib had already began to bruise. I run my hand slowly over his rib, to see where the most pain is. As I touch his 3rd rib his body twitches.
'o I'm sorry'
'its ok, why did they do that?'
'because they're all jerks' I offer him a hand.
'Thanks' he grasps my hand and I pull him up,
'come on lets get you to the school nurse'.

Toby's Pov

Today, has been going moderately well so far, for the first time in a long time I have a sense of belonging. Its lunch so I walk across the yard, I see the girl that I saw this morning. Her hair is beautiful, but yet I still haven't seen her face. I see a group of boys walking towards her, she must be popular I instantly think. I can't help listening to what the boys are saying to her. I hear a small, cocky looking boy shout
'look out, I see a slut, hoe whatever she is' I think to myself maybe I should she if she's ok, but then I hear the rest 'lost virginity at 15'
I guess maybe she's not what I thought. I continue walking, looking at my holy shoe as I go.

I hear laughing coming towards me so I stop, I look up to see the 10 boys forming around me.
'hello..' before I can finish my sentence, the leader of the boys smack my lunch on the floor. suddenly, I'm on my knees, I look back to see the small cocky boy. I take a sharp blow to my ribcage, I gasp and drop hitting the floor. next minute blackout. As I'm drifting in and out off consciousness I see the girl, pushing through the 'Quarterbacks?' I think that's what she called them. I see her grab the ginger ones hand, who was about to smack me,
'don't like pain?' I hear her say. My ribs ache, sting with pain. I have to get up but I can't. I turn towards the girl, she's laying into those boys, she must be the most popular girl around, and yet she's helping me. I see her move towards the leader, there is definitely tension there, a shot of pain surges through my body and my head hums, whatever she is saying, sounds like buzzing to me. suddenly my vision becomes blurry and all I can see is dark outlined figures, they start to move away from me, there voices trailing off into the distance. Next minute something touches my shoulder, I open my eyes. My eyes are met with hers, beautiful brown eyes. 'Omg are you ok?' she asks. I strain trying to reply, even talking hurts me. A sharp pain lashes at my ribs. I try to lift up my top, so she can see how bad it is. Every bone in my body is hurting. She runs her hands over my chest and ribs, the presence of her hand is like a touch of an angel. when she touches my 3rd rib, the pain beckons in my chest, immediately she moves backwards.
'why did they do that?' I ask as I stare into her dark brown beautiful eyes, 'because they're all jerks' she nervously touches her neck.
This is when I realised she isn't what they called her, she is a work of art, a beauty with the purest of hearts.

Well today I walk away from my first day at school with a broken rib and the biggest headache known to man, and yet I still don't know her name.

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