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Toby's POV
'Anything Spencer' I grasped hold of her hand.
'I'm.. I'm pregnant' I just looked at her, I wanted to scream with joy but I knew she wasn't as happy as she should be.
'Toby you can reply you know' she sat blinking at me. I tried to reply but nothing seemed to come out.
'Toby?' She tightened her grip on my hand.
'That's amazing' I kissed her forehead.
'Yes, it is' she slightly smiled.
'Spence what is it?'
'I can't be a mum, Toby. I don't know how to, I never had a good example as a mum' I tear fell from her face.
'Hey, you're amazing. That child. Our child. Will love you no matter what and I will always be by your side' I wiped away her tear.
'We're having a baby' she smiled and wrapped her arms around me.

Spencer's POV
To be a mother, to care undoubtedly for a child. To be there at its every cry, every laugh was scary but I wanted this baby, I wanted to be the mother That I never had, the one that would put the child before anything or anyone.
'We're having a baby' Toby placed his hand on my tummy. I could see it in his eyes, he was delighted. This child would only strengthen our relationship.

5 days later
We was planning on tell my parents today. It was bad enough trying to get them both in one room, let alone telling them I was having a child. Mother wouldn't approve, she never approved of Toby. Dad would be the most joyful out of the two but still sceptical of the situation. In my own mind I didn't want to tell them, but in a way I thought that this may bring them back together, maybe we could be a family again. I had already told Melissa, in fact she knew before Toby. I told Melissa the day I found out, Melissa had already lost a child. Let's hope bad luck doesn't run in the family.
'Remember when we stood here, the first time we told your parents about us.' Toby clutched his hand in mine.
'Yes, I do' I smiled.
'Do you remember what I said to you?'
'No matter what happens I'll be here.'
'Always and forever' he smiled back.
I opened the back door, breathed in a walked in.
'Mum, dad.. Me and Toby are having a baby' I was going to do it more Subtly than that but I couldn't hold back my excitement.
'What...' Dad stood up. For a minute silence fell. 'Congratulations' dad shook Toby's hand, then hugged me. Was this my father?
'You look after her and the baby, you hear me? Dad turned back to Toby.
'Yes Mr Hastings!'
Mum hadn't moved she just stood there motionless, there was no expression on her face. I couldn't work out if this was good or not. I looked at Toby he shrugged. I looked at dad he too shrugged, useful.
'Mum?' I let go of Toby's hand and stepped towards her.
'Are you sure this is what you want? You have so much potential, having a child now could compromise your future.'
'I didn't come here for you to try and tell me what to do.' Typical mum always thinking of work, money.
'Well I'm not going to pretend I'm happy with this.'
'I'm not asking you to pretend, whether you like it or not I'm having this baby, we're having this baby.' I walked back and grabbed Toby's hand. No matter what she said I wouldn't listen to her, I've done to much of that.
'Let's go' I pull Toby out of the house.

I walk into the barn still pulling Toby with me. I stop and drop my head into my knees.
'Hey hey hey now, come here' Toby kneels beside me and pulls me in closer to him.
'I just wanted her to be happy for me'
'I know' he suddenly let's go on me and marches to the door.
'Toby.. What are you'
'Just stay here' strangely I wanted to listen to Toby I wanted to believe that whatever he was doing was the right thing.

Toby's POV
I storm out of the barn and march towards Spencer's house, I hated seeing Spencer hurt and I wouldn't stand for it. If that meant giving her mother a piece of my mind then I would, Spencer is my everything and this child deserves to have a grandma.
I open the door without knocking...
'Toby, what happened to knocking?'
'I'm guessing it left with your caring attitude!'
'Excuse me...'
'Spencer, your daughter. Yes your daughter is out there breaking her heart because you don't care.'
'I didn't say I don't care'
'Really, well what did you say?'
'What gives you the right to barged into my house and insult me.'
'That I am the father of your grandchild' I slap my hand on the table.
'I will not let it grow up without its grandma.'
'Ha, please Toby your not always going to be there for that child, I will be the one who is here when Spencer needs me, when that child needs me'
'I will always be there'
'No you won't because I will assure that, how much money do you want?'
'You can't buy me off'
'I said'
The room filled with silence.
'I will not be leaving Spencer's side, ever! Now you can either get over it or lose your daughter'
'What are you going to do, take her away from me so I can't get to her.'
'No... I'll take myself! If you don't want Toby in this child's life then I don't want you in it. I never want to see you again, unless you learn to deal with it!!!' Spencer comes in a clutches at my hand.
'Let go home!'

We climb into the truck, Spencer fastens her seatbelt then sits there motionless. A single tear trickles down her face. I reach out to grab her hand she pulls away.
I sit back and fasten my seatbelt, I stay still too. No matter what her mother said I would always be there for Spencer and our child.

Mr. Toby Cavanaugh   (A spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now