A twisted fate

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Toby POV
I stand looking at my reflection in the vending machines glass, my whole world crumbling around me. The bottle gets stuck, I smack the machine. I just keep smacking it. I stop, I need to pull myself together. Not for myself but for Spencer's sake, she needs to know we can pull through this. I think she's holding up ok. I tap the side of the machine, the drink falls.

Spencer's POV
I sit, looking at the four walls around me as if looking at them will make them more interesting. A single tear trickles down my face, inside it feels like I'm dying. I haven't moved since I found out, I can't. I'm just sat here holding back my tears, Toby has to know I can pull through this, that we both can.

Toby's POV
I walk to the door, I look through the window. Spencer's sitting there, blinking. Her mind must be overthinking, her heart must be crying. She pulls her hands up to her face and weeps. I can hear her sobbing, all the heartbreak I'm holding back yells. I look back through the window, her body is shaking, she falls backwards. Her body is fitting. The doctors run past me. Suddenly they rush her past me.
'What's going on?'
'Someone please tell me'
'She's my girlfriend'
I run behind them. One of the nurse stops and pulls me to one side.
'We have to take her for an immediate operation'
'Wait, what?'
'She has a small bleed on the brain, we should be able to control it.'
A bleed on the brain, a bleed. What if she dies, what if I lose her to. I drop to the floor.

5hours later.
'Sir, she's awake' I pull myself of the two chairs that I've been sleeping on for the last 3 hours. I run in the room, her eyes flicker open.
'Just give her a few moments to come round'
I nod and the doctor leaves the room.
'Spence?' I sit down on the chair next to her.
'Where's my mum?' She coughs.
'Your mum? She's not here... You' I reach for her arm.
'Who are you?' She looks at me as if I'm transparent I see the look in her, she doesn't know who I am.
'Spencer, it's Toby I'm your..'
'Get out...' She becomes hysterical.
'No Spencer wait, I'm your boyfriend. Toby'
'I don't have a boyfriend, I've just split up from my boyfriend. I'm starting my last year of school today.'
'You've not been to school for years?'
'Just... Get out... I don't know you' I just stop. She doesn't remember the last 8 years of her life. She doesn't remember me, losing the baby...
'Get out... Get out'
I slowly turn and leave I stop outside the door.
'Doctor, she doesn't remember anything.'
'Yes, Toby I'm afraid so. This may only be temporary but in the worst case scenario it could be permanent '
'No, Spencer is strong. She'll pull through this, she'll...' I push past the doctor and leave the hospital.

Spencer's POV
I feel strange, I'm supposed to be going back to school today. Why am I here. In the place, I'm not Ill.
'Hello miss Hastings.' A tall man in a weird blue suit enters, I think he's a doctor but this is strange attire for a doctor, or at least what I remember.
'Hello, I'm a able to leave. It's just I'm meeting aria soon.'
'Spencer, I'm afraid you're not' he walks to the left side of my bed.
'I am, it's nearly 8:30. I'm going to be late.' I sit up ready to leave.
'Spencer, you've just had an operation. I'm asking you to stay calm and still. I have to tell you...'
'Wait an operation? What? Why?' I look worryingly around the room.
'I want to be alone' without another word he leaves.

Toby's POV
I grab a box and fill it with anything that Spencer may recognise. Shoes, sports kit, her purse and a picture of me and her. I'm not losing in her. Not now, not to this.

The hospital.

I swing the door open and place the box on the end of the bed.
'Ok, look I know you don't remember but i can make you'
'I want to be alone'
'Look, your purse. Your favourite'
'That's not mine, I don't know you...'
'And this necklace, your dad got it you'
'Please leave me alone'
'Spencer, look. It's you hockey stick'
'Why do you have that... Why do you have my things..'
'Because I love you and you love me'
'I don't love you' I drop all the stuff in the box. I look at the picture of me and her. I run my fingers over it.!
'Here look, it's me and you and we're happy and in love and please remember Spencer please I need you too..'
'Stop, your scaring me.' I see her hands shaking. Tears stream her eyes. I'm hurting her, I see that. It's ok if I'm hurting but I can't bare to she her hurting like that. I place the picture on the unit. Grab the box and leave.

Spencer's POV
Who is he? The blue eyed boy, I don't know him, I don't want too. I turn over onto my side, I see the picture. I pick it up.
'Who are you?' I run my finger over his face.
I look happy, but I don't remember... I don't remember anything.

Toby's POV
I sit on Spencer's doorstep. Here I feel close to her.
'Toby?' Veronica comes outside. Seeing her reminds me of spencer.
'What's happened?'
'It's Spencer, we had a car accident and she lost the baby.'
'What why wasn't I called?' She turns to grab her bag.
'She doesn't remember anything from the last 8 years, she doesn't remember me.' A tear streamed my face.
'Toby its going to be ok.'
'You know what, it isn't. And I know for you that saying it's going to be ok makes it better but for me it doesn't. I love her and I'm losing her. I would do anything to get my Spencer back. But I suppose you showing up at the hospital, being the caring mother, will make it all so much better.' I stop and stare dead into her eyes.
'You're just a worthless man, I've always said it. You don't deserve my daughter and you know what I'm glad she doesn't remember you.'
'Mum?' Spencer stands there.
'Spencer' Veronica walks towards Spencer, Spencer walks backwards.
'Your not my mum, she would never wish that on anyone. Especially Her daughter' she turns and runs.
'Don't...' I run after Spencer.

Mr. Toby Cavanaugh   (A spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now