Torn between two

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Spencer's POV
I can't even believe he's standing here in front of me.
'Why are you' I search for the words to say
'Why am I here?' He smiles, something I've missed seeing.
'My mum hates the new place, she wants to move back here to rosewood' he starts blushing, it's cute.
'So your staying?' I can feel myself blushing too.
'Spencer?' My dad begins calling from the house.
'Why his he shouting you?' Toby looks at me.
'I've been slacking at school' I say as I look back at him.
'Cmon, quick before he sees you' he grabs my hand, his hand is so warm, I feel safe with my hand in his.
'Where we going?' We begin pacing down the road, still hand in hand. We stop round the corner and start laughing hysterically.

Toby's POV
Who was the boy she was kissing?
Things have changed while I was away.
I look at her, she hasn't changed she's still the Spencer Hastings I knew.

I want to tell her the reason I left and didn't tell her, and I was going to before I saw her with him. It seems like it doesn't matter now, she's moved on or she was never interested.

I told her why I am back, only because my mother hated the new place, not because I wanted to come back, for her own need.

When Spencer speaks she blushes it's cute. I've missed her more than I could of ever describe.
'Spencer?' Why is Mr Hastings shouting her. He doesn't sound happy. I see the look in her face, I can tell from my own personal experience she doesn't want to talk to him.
'Why is he shouting you?' I look at her.
'Ive been slacking at school' she looks back. Spencer hastings under achieving, what has happened will I was gone.
I don't hesitate, I grab her hand 'cmon, quick before he sees you'
If someone had of done that with me I'd be a lot better off.
We run down the road as fast as we can and stop round the corner. We start laughing hysterically.

Spencer's POV
I spent the whole night talking to him, listening to every word he said. We simply sat on the park bench, talking about little things until 3am,he gave me his coat because I was cold and I fell asleep, I woke this morning on the bench he was gone but I still had his jacket. I walked home, holding his jacket in my arms.

'Spencer' Alex comes towards me. He grabs me very intently and kisses me. I pull back.
'Hey, what are you doing. It's early?'
I try to avoid eye contact with him. I like Alex, that isn't a lie but not as much as I did.
'We have school in 20mins, you know, where you go to learn?' He laughs.
'O, well I'll see you later. I have to get changed.'
'Ok, I love you' his words hit me, he's never said that before. I'm speechless. What he feels is real.
' to go' I turn and pace to my house.
Once inside the front door the questions arrive, why a Hastings has to know everything, and won't stop until to they know every little detail. Melissa is the worst at this.
'Where did you go? Stop out' she lifts up the orange juice to signal if i want any.
I shake my head.
'no where, I, I, stayed at Arias.' Aria will back me up it's fine.
'Of course you did.'
'What? I did.. Even ask her' I am desperate now to cover my tracks. Once a Hastings finds a scent it's only a matter of time before the truth comes out.
'fine. So when did Aria wear coats like that?'
Crap I'm busted. She knows.
'I need to get changed for school'
'That's the thing Spencer, if you was at Arias, you would have changed there' she's like a dog with a bone. She won't let it go.
'ok, I was with Alex' she knows about Alex this is my last attempt. I can't tell her I was with Toby cavanaugh, he has history in Rosewood 'apparently'
'O, Alex Santiago. Watch out spence your rushing'
I roll my eyes and run upstairs.

Toby's POV
Last night, on the little park bench talking to her was the best night of my life. I'd missed her so much. We talked and talked and I just looked at her in complete ore. She looked freezing so I took of my jacket and gave it her. She fell asleep in my arms. I stayed with her till 7, but I saw Mona walking her dog. If she saw I'd not hear the end of it.

As I reach my front door my mum stands waiting for me.
'Where have you been Toby?' She looks at me as though she already knows the answer.
' I just slept on the park, alone.' I think covering up spending time with spencer will be the best for me and her.
'Alone? Toby do you think I was born yesterday?' She starts to walk towards me.
'Mum I don't know what your talking about?' I look around me.
'Well, your collar smells of Beyoncé's new perfume and I'm sure you don't wear that!' She smirks, she knows I was with a girl. Of course Spencer had been wearing it, it must of rubbed of when she was asleep.
'O, that, yes I was with.. Mona for some time last night.' Mona what am I saying. I'm just digging a hole.
'Mona, hmm? You seeing her?' She scowls
'no we studied together'
'And that's how you got perfume on your collar'
'Look, I have to get changed for school' I push past her and run inside.

Spencer's POV
8:55 and first lesson starts in 5 minutes. I open my locker and begin pointlessly flicking through my German book. I close my locker and Aria's standing there.
'God, give a girl a heart attack.'
'Sorry, come on spill how's things with Alex.'
Just as I'm about to reply, Toby comes round the corner and goesbto his locker.
'He's, beautiful, kind, good at listening he's so caring and his eyes dreamy' Im still watching Toby.
'Wait, we are still talking about Alex right?'
I flick my eyes back to her and realise she is waiting for a reply.
'Ermm.. Oh god yes, who else would I be talking about?' I bit my lip as I know I wasn't talking about Alex at all.
'I don't know I was.. Ohh Mr Fitz can I talk to you' Her voice trails of as she follows him to his classroom.
I grab my German book and begin walking down the corridor
I start flicking through the pages, I need some caffeine I am so tired.
I look up and smack into Toby as I do I throw my book forward.
'I'm so sorry, I was looking in my book'
I bend down to grab it.
'Spencer it's ok' he also bends down.
As I put my hand out to reach my book so does he. Our hands touch, I look at him. Still holding onto my book we both stand, he looks up from our hands. 'Guten Morgan' he says as he smiles and walks past me.
'Guten Morgan' my words trail after him.

Toby's POV
I show up in school by 8:55, so I have 5 minutes to spare, I manage to find my locker number 301. My locker is right near Spencer's, as I stand there at my locker, I can't help keep looking at her. She is looking at me too. I close my locker. And begin walking, I look down at my phone and smack into her.
'I'm sorry I was looking at my book'
She bends down to get her book.
'Spencer it's ok' I bend down to, to continue talking to her.
She pauses so I reach to get her book as I do so does she. I want to stay here all day. We stand awkwardly staring at each other, I notice she's been reading a German book.
'Guten Morgan' I say as I smile and hurry to class.

Spencer's POV.
I pace my room,
What should I do,
choose Alex or Toby?

Mr. Toby Cavanaugh   (A spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now