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Spencer's POV
'I have to go' he whispers into my ear. I wake up in his arms. We were led on my bed, this is the only way we can see each other. Secretly, wait for my parents to leave the house and him be gone before they return. He convinced his mother that we are no longer dating and my parents are none the wiser.
'I know' I lifted my head up. I was led on his chest.
'I'll see you tomorrow' he lent forward and kissed my forehead.
'I'll look forward to that' I smiled at him.
'I love you' those three words always sounded good when he said them.
'I love you too' he grabbed his bag and left. I led there smiling uncontrollably.

Toby's POV
She lay there sleeping peacefully, I just didn't want to wake her. I ran my fingers through her hair.
'I have to go' her father was due back in 10 minutes.
'I know' she looked at me.
'I'll see you tomorrow' I kissed her forehead.
'I love you'
'I love you too'
I grabbed my bag and headed home. I left through the back door, checked no one was around and crossed the road. I looked back at her house to see her standing in the window. She smiled at me, I blew her a kiss then continued walking.

The Cavanaugh house.

When I entered the house mum was sat in the arm chair staring at me. I didn't hesitate, I dropped my bag and went upstairs. The atmosphere in the house was tense all evening. When I went for tea, we sat there in silence. Occasionally making eye contact, she expected me to talk to her but I wasn't going too. Mum had never been interested in me anyway, it was always Jenna this, Jenna that. I guess I missed my dad not living here. He believed me about the Jenna thing, he knew I wouldn't lie to him.

Spencer's POV
'Hey how was work?' I asked dad as he walked in.
'It was.. Wait why do you care?' He walked to the fridge.
'I don't, I was just being polite'
'That's a first'
'Hey, I'm always polite. Ok maybe not to you' I smiled at him. I found it easier to talk to my dad than my mum. When I was younger I was always a daddy's girl, mum was more busy with Melissa. I guess I just connect with my dad more than my mum. I suppose we both do share the same competitiveness.
'So what have you done today?'
'Oh nothing, just watched TV, lazy day'
'Lazy day, since when have you been lazy' he laughed and grabbed a cushion.
'Since ever' I smirked.
'Go on get out with you' he hit me playful with the cushion. 'Go get ready and we'll go play some tennis'
I immediately stood up and ran to get changed. I loved playing tennis with my dad it reminded me of last summer, how close our family were. spent the whole summer playing tennis around the lake house.

The next day

Toby's POV
I was meeting Spencer at 6pm at the park. We was going up to the hills on the outskirts of Rosewood. We was having a picnic to celebrate our one year anniversary. I'd bought her a promise ring, to tell her I was always going to be hers. I planned it all out in my head. The music, the food and the view would not disappoint.
I packed a bag. I put the ring in the left hand pocket. The ring was sterling silver with a Madagascan morganite gem.
As I came downstairs mum was stood at the door. I walked towards her.
'Can I get past?' I reached for the door handle.
'No, you can tell me where you're going?' I reluctantly pulled my hand back.
'Just a mates!'
'Is Spencer Hastings your mate now' how did she know?
'I'm not going to see spen'
'TOBY' I jumped.
'Stop lying to me! When did you start dating again.' She looked at me sternly in the eye.
'We never, we never split up. I clutched at my bag.
'You mean to tell me this has been happening over a year now.'
'A year to day actually, I mean yes'
'I told you and her what would happen if this continued, I'm going to tell Peter!'
'Mum' I ran behind her.
'I either tell Peter or you end it for good Toby!'
'I'm not ending it with her to suit you'
'You don't have a choice Toby!'
'I love her.'
She laughed. ' love, you don't know what love is!'
'Maybe, your the one who doesn't know what love is.' I looked at her directly in the eyes.
'Toby, of course I do'
'Really, is that why dad left us! Because you loved him so?' She raised her hand.
I clutched at my face. She had struck me. I looked away from her.
'Now you listen! Your going to go round there and end it! No more pretending Toby I warn you.' She grabbed the underneath of my chin and turned me towards her.

Spencer's POV
Toby and I was going out to the Rosewood hills tonight, to celebrate. I'd bought him a gold Rolex watch and an engraved pocket watch. I wore a blue basic cut dress that stopped just before the knee. I turned round to see Toby.
'Hey your early' I wrapped my arms round him, he didn't return it.
'What's up?' I looked at his cheek it was red.
'Toby? Talk to me!' I put my hand on his face. He pulled back pushing my hand away.

Toby POV
I stood there looking at her, she was asking me all these questions that I just couldn't answer. She looked beautiful. She always did.

Spencer's POV
'Maybe this will cheer you up' I turned around and grabbed the pocket watch.
He just looked at the box.
'Open it?'
He slowly opened the box. Inside the pocket watch said;
You are my once upon a time -S
'I love you Toby.'
He lifted up is head as he closed the box and just stood there staring at me.

Toby's POV
I wanted to grab her and hold her. What she had bought me was more than anyone could have wished for.
'I love you Toby.'
I just looked at her, what I was about to say was going to kill her.
'I.. Don't think this is working out'
'Me and you..I don't want to be with you.' I saw her eyes fill.
'Toby? But I..'
'But nothing, we are over! Forget about me' I turned to leave.
She grabbed my arm.

Spencer's POV
My whole world just crumbled before my eyes. It felt like he had hold of my heart and ripped it out of my chest.
I grabbed his arm.
'Please don't walk away' he pulled his arm out of my grip.
'I'm sorry' he didn't turn to face me.
'Toby, I love you! Do you hear me? I love you Toby Cavanaugh' he walked out of the house. I dropped to the floor and sobbed my heart out.

Toby's POV
'Toby, I love you! Do you hear me? I love you Toby Cavanaugh' I didn't turn to face her, tears streamed down my face. I stepped out the house and ran. I stopped against a tree. I dropped to the floor. It felt like my heart had stopped beating. Without her it would never beat again.

The Montgomery house

Spencer's POV.
I stood knocking on Aria's door. My heart was wrenching. I was holding in my tears. The door opened.
'Hey, what's up?' I looked at her and began to cry.
'Toby, Toby spilt up with me.' I cupped my mouth. Tears flooded my face.
'He said he didn't love me..' I feel into Arias arms. We slipped down the doorway.
'It's ok' she held me. Comforting me she rocked me back and forth.
'It's never going to be ok again.' I sobbed even more.
I had no energy to live, to live without him.

Mr. Toby Cavanaugh   (A spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now