You and me

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5 years later.

Spencer's POV
I had just arrived back in Rosewood, I'd been studying law at Oxford for the past 2 years. I was really jet legged. I also hate planes, the idea of flying makes me ill. Usually i listen to music but I just slept through the 13hr journey. No matter where I went Rosewood would always be my home, coming back here made me relive the memories I had wished to forget. Although I was happy with my life I always imagined what my life would be like if I'd taken a different path.

Toby's POV
I'd been back 4 days now, and yet looking at my flat felt like I never left. I passed my course and now had graduated to detective Toby Cavanaugh. I always held the images of what I could of been if I hadn't of left. I looked at my flat, all the memories I shared in here, if only the person I shared them with was here to remember it. Don't get me wrong I loved doing my course, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. I still hadn't got used to being back in Rosewood.

The cafe.

Spencer's POV
I sat leaning on my arm yawning as I drank my coffee, the caffeine really wasn't helping. I slowly let my eyes close as I drifted in and out of sleep.

'Hello sleepy' A sudden thump came at the table. I slowly peered at the person across from me. Then yawned again before sitting up properly.
'Have you not left yet?' I rolled my eyes at Yvonne.
'You know I didn't just come to ruin your life, I actually like it here.'
'It's been 5 years, are you not bored of this place?'
'Why, are you?'
'Yvonne, I do not have the effort to deal with you today.' I slowly got up, I was taking my coffee home. I seriously thought after 5 years Yvonne would have finally left, guess I thought wrong.
I walked out the cafe noticing that my shoe was coming undone I stopped fastened it then hastily stood up smacking my drink into a mans white shirt.
'Shit' I froze just looking at his stained shirt, I hoped he hadn't noticed but judging by his sudden body stance change I gathered he did.
I slowly step back. Picking up my cup.
'Watch where your go...' I swiftly turn to face him.
'I'm sorry I wasn't...'
'Spencer?' I froze.
'How's things' he smiles. He hasn't changed. I feel the emotions running through my body.
'Things are good' I smile back.
'Good' he shifts he's eyes to mine.
'You?' This conversation was awkward it felt like meeting a stranger.
'Yeah, things are good too'
'Good' I awkwardly freeze I was so caught up in the moment I'd forgot about his shirt and that I had places to be.
'Sorry about the shirt' I childishly laugh then stop.
'It's fine' he smirks.
'Anyway, I need to go. Nice seeing you Toby' I hurry past him not letting him reply. I didn't want to see him. I didn't want to feel what I was feeling now. All the feeling I once had was returning.

Toby's POV
Seeing her. She hadn't changed. Here eyes still shone like the first time we met. And yet talking to her felt like I didn't know her.
'Hello Toby'
'Yvonne' why was she still here?
'Bye Toby' she pushed past me it's not like Yvonne to leave a conversation, the conversations always leave her.

My mind pulsed back to Spencer. I had to see her again I had to talk to her.

Spencer's POV
I walked round the corner and stopped, every emotion was spiralling in my head. I breathe in then out and think. Why am I being like this? we had both moved on! It was a joint decision.. I'm sure he's happy, just the way I am.

I walked to arias

Knock knock knock
'Hey, your back' she hugged me.
'Hey..' I walked past her and sat on the couch.
'What's up?'
'Nothing I'm just really jet legged and I just spilt coffee all down Toby's top and...'
'Toby's back?'
'Yes he is.. Anyway how's things been with you?'
'Are you ok with that?'
'Yes. How's things with Ezra?'
'Spencer' she grabbed my arm.
'What? Get off my back, I didn't come here to talk about Toby. So what he's back its not like I still have feelings for him.'
'Spencer' I grabbed my bag and slammed the door behind me.

Toby's POV
I was sat in the car outside the church. I looked down at my badge the shiny gold surface shone as the light hit it. I thought. Was this job worth anything I had? Yes, yes it is. She's happy, I'm happy that's the way it is.
A tap came on the window.
I wound it down.
'Hey Toby' Lorenzo leant through the window.
'Hey Lorenzo'
'Spencer's back'
'I know'
'Are you going to get her back.'
'So.. A case came in a women shoplifting in the mall she..'
'She stole a pair of sunglasses and a watch.'
'I'm going to check it out' I wound up the window and began driving. I didn't want to think of his questions, I didn't care. I had work to do.

The mall

Toby's POV
I was patrolling the mall for the women, no one matched her description so far. I'd checked the bottom and 2nd floor nothing. I was making my way up to the 3rd floor.

Spencer's POV
I was shopping in the rosewood mall. Trying on my usual style of clothing. Then I saw this top, it was completely different to what id usually wear. More Girly, it was light blue with no back and a low cut front.

Toby's POV
I walked of the escalator and walked straight into Spencer.
'Keep bumping into you today' I smiled.

Spencer's POV
I'd just walked into Toby again, he continued talking to me. I didn't want to talk I couldn't.
'Keep bumping into you today' he smiled as he spoke.
I continued going about to step on the escalator when he grabbed me.
'Spencer..' I froze. 'You dropped your scarf' I turned around and he handed it back to me.
'You forgot to say.. Are you dating someone?'
'Yes, yes he's called jack' I smiled 'you?'
He paused.
'I am she's called Hayley.'

Mr. Toby Cavanaugh   (A spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now