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Spencer's POV
Talking to Toby had made me realise that I'd given up on our relationship to soon. No matter how far we would go we would always hold a candle for each other. But like I said I gave up on us, I don't think we could come back from that.

Toby's POV
Spencer had done so much in the past 5 years. Maybe giving up on us was the best for her but it wasn't the best for me. I would always love Spencer just like she would me, but we was like branches on a tree reaching for each but not quite hard enough.

Spencer's POV
I was moving Melissa's boxes from cabin, I was finally getting it back. I'd already moved 5 boxes, she had so many boxes full of junk. No of it was real value. I stop and look around the room, I open my bag and take out a bottle full of pills, I'm not addicted I just need them. They help me focus.

The was a knock at the back door. I place the bottle on the table.
'Who could this be?' I opened the door to see Toby standing there.
'Hey' I smile at him.
'Hey I need to talk to you, I need to let you know' he walked in then stopped. His eye contact shifts onto the bottle.
'You're takings pills now?' He glares at me.
'No I'm not' I walk over to the table and fastened the bottle.
'Spencer' he raises an eyebrow.
'Yes I am ok, they help me sleep. I can't sleep, I'm always awake. I just need a little assistance to help me sleep, Is that ok with you?' I turn away from him.
'How long has this been going on?'
'Not long'
'About a month. Maybe two.'
There was silence for a few moments.
'Give me the bottle.' He demanded grabbing my arm.
'No, Toby get out of my house. NOW. Just go please' he doesn't move.
'Give me the bottle and I'll go' he holds out his hand.
I slam the bottle into his hand.
'Go' he turned. Then stopped.
'Does jack know about this? Does he except it?'
'That doesn't concern you, get out...Toby just get out' he slammed the door shut behind him.

Toby's POV
I couldn't believe Spencer out of everything I never for once second believed she would do this. Taking pills is dangerous, an addict, deadly. Even though Spencer has someone who's meant to be looking after her I know that in her mind she's alone. I never got to say what I wanted to say.

Spencer's POV
I was sat on the floor, my hands shaking. My head sweating...all the withdrawals of an addiction. What people don't realise is love is an addiction too, maybe one of the worst sorts. I ran to dads old cupboard where he used to keep the pills, I picked the lock with a hair grip. Empty! I looked in the medicine box. Empty! My head was pulsing, my eyes was blurring. I need pills now. I couldn't deal without them. 
'Spencer?' Mums voice calls from the door.
'Mum..' I stand up and wrap my arms her. I sobbed into her arms.
'What's going on Spencer?'
'I can't cope, I can't..'
'Can't cope with what Spencer?'
'Toby's back'
'You care about him'
'I never stopped caring about him..'
'Talk to him.. Listen' she holds my hands like a mother does when talking to a little child.
'If you still want him in your life, you have to fight for it Spencer.'
'But he has a girlfriend mum..'
'Spencer, I've seen the way he looks at go before it's too late'

Toby's POV
I was sat on the park bench looking at the bottle of pills. I opened them and looked at the cylinder pink tablets. Judging by the size of the bottle there would have been at least 20 pills in here, only 8 remained.
'Hi' Spencer came behind me.
'Hi' I didn't look at her. She moved and sat next to me on the bench.

Spencer's POV
I sat looking at Toby, he was holding the bottle in his hand, in that split moment I didn't need the pills, I didn't care for the pills. I realised the pills was a mere distraction from my feelings.
'I'm sorry' I looked down at my hand, it was shaking.
'No I am'
I raised my head 'for what?'
'For ever letting you go. If I had never gone, I've I'd never of hurt you. You would have never taken these pills.' He held the bottle out in front of me.
'You can't escape the inevitable Toby.'
'No, you can't but you can delay it'
'Delaying it doesn't help.' I looked away.
'It does if it gives you time to think of a way to fix it'
'Be we didn't, we bit the proverbial bullet' I flicked my eyes back to him.
He just smiles.
'You and your posh words. I always loved that about you'
'Spencer I need to say something' he grabbed my hand.
I look into his eyes.
'I need to go' I pulled my hand out of his grasped and turned to leave.
'Toby I can't, I can't'
'You can't what?'
'I can't talk to you I can't be here'
'Why Spencer?'
'Because I can't admit I still care...' I stopped realising what i just said.
'Please talk to me?' He stood behind me.
'Not here'
'The flat. My flat'
I didn't reply just nodded. We walked back to the flat not talking just walking with about 3 metres between us.

Toby's flat.
'Do you want a drink?'
'No, thanks' I looked around the room he hasn't changed anything , everything was still the same. I looked at the bed side table, a picture frame that I recognised. A picture of me and him on our first date. I smiled to myself.
'Spencer I can't lie to myself anymore. I should have never let you leave my life, it was the worst decision I've ever made..' I looked at him all these feelings, he'd been hiding them too.
'I get it, Spencer you moved on but I can't. I tried and yet I never found anyone like you. I love you Spencer!'
'What about Haley?'
'She was never real, I made her up to get you jealous.'
'You what?'
'I know it was wrong of me.'
'No, it's not that. I made jack up to make you jealous.' We smiled at each other.
'You have to promise me something Spencer..' I didn't reply I just waited for him to continue.
'Promise me, you'll stop with the pills.'
'I promise' I slowly moved towards him on the couch. I leant forward and kissed his unbearably soft lips.
'I missed you so much' I held his dimple on his chin. He leant his forehead against mine.
'No I missed you..' He grabbed my back and began passionately kissing me. I clutched at the nape of his neck. He picked me up, still kissing me and carried me over to the bed. I ripped of his top and ran my hand over his chest on to his belt. 'I love you'

2hrs later.
I led there in his arms. I placed my hand on his chest, I never wanted to lose him again. I didn't need the pills if I had him. He ran his hand through my hair. I looked up at him. He leaned down and gave me an Eskimo kiss.

Mr. Toby Cavanaugh   (A spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now