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Spencer's POV
Id drove to the rosewood hills and just sat there staring at the lights, all the emotions swirling round inside my head and yet from the outside I just looked the same as always. I'd learnt to block out showing emotion so easily to the outside world. I had to with my parents, they always got angry if I cried. But with Toby I could cry, with Toby I could be me I suppose. But I had to let this relationship go I guess it was always toxic. A single tear fell down my face. I immediately wiped my face as I heard  tyres over the gravel. I knew it was Toby's truck.

1 hour earlier. - 7pm

Toby's POV
I stood there staring at the door. I grabbed a vase and through it at the wall, the vase was my fathers I watched it crumble into little pieces and yet I had no emotion towards it, all I wanted was Spencer.
There was a knock at the door.
I thought Spencer had come back, I thought maybe we could work it out. Maybe there was a chance for us.
'Spencer' I opened the door and saw Yvonne standing there.
'Sorry, wrong girl' she pushed past me and sat on the couch.
'Get out'
'Toby, don't be like that. I'm here to offer my moral support' she tapped the couch.
'Your here to gloat, you succeed in ruining me and her.' I walked over to the couch.
'I only helped out, it would have happened in the future Toby. I'm just speeding up the process, the longer the relationship the more painful it gets.' She stood and walked towards me.
'Yvonne, you should leave'
'Toby, you can do so much better than Spencer Hastings, who needs a girl that smart when you can have someone twice her beauty.'
'She is the most beautiful person I have ever seen, you cannot compare yourself to her Yvonne, be she has something you will never have.'
'And Toby what is that' she laughed.
'My heart.' I walked over to the door and opened it.
'Oh, Toby I had it once. I can get it again' she walked forward and kissed me.
'Yvonne' I pushed her away. 'I am in love with Spencer. Don't you understand you are nothing compared to her.'
'Fine I'll go, but your love for her is only fake. You keep on lying to yourself Toby. I'll be here to pick up the pieces. Shame about the vase.' She smiled.
I slammed the door shut.
Yvonne was the Bane of my existence. I needed to set things right with Spencer, but I had no idea where she would be.
I looked at the clock it was 7pm. I grabbed a bag and went to the Hastings house.

Yvonne's POV
I had seen Spencer going to the back of the cafe. I waited for Toby to leave and walked over to her.

Spencer's POV
I was staring at the coffee, letting time tick by. I saw Toby leave his flat, I guessed he was going to his job in Philly.
'I'm so sorry' Yvonne sat next to me.
'Please you have no pity' I moved a seat away from her.
'That's right I don't, and I guess Toby doesn't care about you neither. He didn't even come to find you.' She put her hand on my shoulder.
'He has a job interview' I removed her hand. 
'Yes at 8pm Spencer. He's gone and your still defending him' she sipped her coffee.
'Look leave me alone. I think I know Toby well enough to know that he's probably doing the right thing.' I had doubts flowing through my mind but I could show it to her, she was manipulative and exceeding annoying.
'Well, I don't think kissing me was the right thing' she smiled.
'He what?' I looked at her.
'Yes, I went to see if he was ok and he practically forced me to kiss him.'
I thought in my mind, knowing that Toby wouldn't do that, but yet again he had lied to me.
I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the cafe. I drove to the outskirts of rosewood.

1 hour later - 8pm.

Spencer's POV
I heard tyres on the gravel. I knew it was Toby's truck.

Toby's POV
I saw Spencer just sitting there. No expression on her face.

Spencer's  POV
He came over and sat beside me. I kept thinking of him kissing her. An image on repeat that just wouldn't leave. We just sat there not talking, I looked at my watch it was 8pm, Toby should be at his interview.

'Toby, I don't want to talk to you'
'Fine, I'll sit here till you do.'
'That's never going to happen'
'Look, I'm sorry that I lied to you.'
'Are you sorry you kissed her'
'What?' He stared at me
'Yes Toby, I know you kissed her!'
'Is that what she told you. Spencer you know I would never do that to you.'
I thought about it, Toby was right I trusted him more than anything and I definitely trusted him over Yvonne.
'You mean you didn't kiss her'
'No, she kissed me and I pushed her off. She showed up at my flat and acted like I should forgive her.' He paused. 'Do you believe me'
'Yes Toby I believe you. But I can't forgive you for lying to me.'
'Spencer, you never let me finish my sentence in my flat, you asked me why I fell in love with you.'
'Why did you then.'
'Spencer, I fell in love with you because there was always something different about you. You are nothing like her Spence.' He stood up.
'Toby, wait' I wrapped my arms round him and kissed him.
'Wait, you need to go. Your interview!'
'Forget about the interview, it's to late now.' He kissed me. He placed me over the job. It was that moment I realised our relationship wasn't toxic it was the people around us who was intoxicating us, we was letting them rule our love and now I wasn't going to stand for it.
'Toby, can we go back to the cafe'

The cafe.

Yvonne's POV
I sat in the cafe waiting for Toby to return, I was going to take a smoother approach. The cafe door opened and Spencer walked in with Toby. Why did she always manage to complicate things.

Spencer's POV
I was fuming, I was going to talk to her. But things escalated quicker than I expected.
'Spencer, you don't look happy'
'You bitch'
'What is the need for that'
I grabbed a jug of water from a nearby table. I threw it all down her.
'Next time you want a boyfriend, don't touch mine.' I grabbed Toby's hand and pulled him out the cafe.
'I'll get you back' Yvonne shouted.

Her words meant nothing to me. I had everything I need in my life, she was just a small bump in the road.
'I'm sorry' Toby stroked my face.
'The past in the past Toby, let's move on from here.' I ran my finger over his dimple.
He pulled me in and kissed me.

Mr. Toby Cavanaugh   (A spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now