Football girl

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'Toby...toby... This is nurse McMore'
I flicker my eyes. Her voice is ricocheting in me head, 'Toby...toby.'
I sharply sit up.
'She's ok, please I need you to stay still' she grabs my arm. I undo the wires attached to my body.
'No, I need to see spencer'
I pulled myself out of the bed and dropped to the floor.
'Toby your leg has been badly injured'
'Then get me a wheelchair!' I needed to see Spencer, I had to know she was ok. The nurse stood there fluttering around, she had no clue of what to do. She left the room and returned with a wheelchair.
'Toby Cavanaugh to see Spencer Hastings' the nurse began another conversation with a doctor.
'He can go in now'
I automatically wheeled myself into the room. I stopped at the door, she was led there motionless. I pushed myself out of the chair, the pain surged in my leg. I fight against it, I pull myself up and lean against the bed.
'Spencer, it's Toby. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I shouted and I'm so sorry that I crashed the car. I love you Spencer, do you hear me? I love you! And I need you to wake up...I wanted to ask you something tonight, and I didn't. I didn't... I held you in my arms and you wasn't breathing, I held you there praying that you was going to open your eye and I could hold you in my arms and know you was ok. Spencer I want you to be Mrs Cavanaugh...I want you to be my wife. I love you Spencer Hastings!!!'
She twitched.
'Spence' I grasped at her arm. Her body went into shock.
'Nurse!! Doctor!! Help please'
Two nurses came in a began pumping at her chest.
'Please be careful, the baby' I fell backwards into the wall, my leg was draining me. Spencer stopped, her breathing returned to normal.
The nurse moved me over to my chair and wheeled me to Spencer.
Spencer started coughing, then gasped for air.
'Toby' she reached forward for my hand.
'Spencer I'm here. It's ok I've got you'
She coughed again, this time bringing up a little blood. 'Toby, I'm sorry'
'No I am'
'Ouch' she clutched at her tummy, then began choking.
The doctor came in stood at the foot of the bed.
'Miss Hastings....'

14 years ago
'Spencer come for tea..' Veronica shouts for the table.
'I'm coming mummy...' Spencer, Tall, slender with her long brown hair in pigtails comes running downstairs in her hockey kit.
'Mummy, when I'm older... Will I meet a man like daddy? Will he look after me and will we have a child?'
'Spencer, you're only 10...why you thinking of such things?'
'Because all the fairy princesses have it and I want it' Spencer, young and eager leans across the table and grabs some grapes.
'Go on with you..'
'Will you and daddy always be together?'
'Of course we will'
'And when I meet... My prince will we be together forever?'
'I'm sure you go play for a bit.' Veronica smiles at Spencer, buttons up her coat and send her outside.
Spencer sits on the curb looking across the road at an old house. It looks empty. She bounces her football staring at the door. It opens. A little boy about the same age as Spencer walks out of the house. She smiles at him and waves, he doesn't wave back nor does he smile. He sits on the porch, sobbing into his hands. Spencer grabs her football and runs across the road. Smack, Spencer collide with the bonnet of a car. The little boy runs over to Spencer.
'Don't worry, I'll get help' he runs screaming into his house.
'That's my Prince Charming, I must tell mummy.' Spencer tries to sit up and blacks out.

Present day
'Miss Hastings...' I flick my eyes open and look at Toby. I grab his hand.
'It was you... I'd forgot' I smiled.
'She may be a little delirious for the time being' the doctor interrupted.
'No I'm not, was the boy?'
Toby looks back at me confused.
'The boy that saw me get hit by a car, the boy crying on the porch... The boy I said was my prince' I ran my fingers over his hand.
'That..was you?' He smiled.
'Yes, it was me. I spoke about you for years and yet I never knew your name...'
'Miss Hastings' the doctor repeated.
'One second'
'The girl, playing football by herself? That was you?'
'Yes Toby it was...' He smiled and kissed me. The doctor stood there, uncomfortable and impatient.
'Miss Hastings I have some bad news' I stopped and looked at him then looked at Toby.

14 years ago
'Toby, help Jenna please' Marion shouts from downstairs.
'I don't want to' Toby, young and miserable climbs down the stairs.
'Don't be mean to your sister!'
'She stole my Lego!! I'm not helping her... I don't even like her' Toby throws a toy car on floor.
'Don't you speak like that about your sister!!' Marion grabs Toby's arm aggressively.
Toby yells and run outside. He stops on the porch and looks at the girl playing with the football. He was just watching her from the window. She waves at him. Toby is too upset to wave back, he doesn't want any friends his mum will just be mean to them. He sits on the porch and cries. Suddenly, he hears and bang. He looks up and  the football girl on the floor. He panics, his blue eyes glisten with tears. He run over.
'Don't worry, I'll get help'

Present day
My eyes flick back to Spencer's. Her hand is sweeting in mine.
'Doctor what is it?' Spencer sits up clutching her stomach.
'I'm afraid, that your baby didn't make the accident' I looked at Spencer, her face dropped. Tears streamed her face. I grabbed her and pulled her close.
'It's ok I've got you'
I tried to hold back my tears, I couldn't.

14years ago
'Mum, can I go see the football girl, can I see if she's ok?' Toby grabs the door handle.
'No, no. You are never to speak of her again! Do you hear me?'
'Why? She's my friends..' Toby turns back to his mum.
'She is not your friend and she never will be.'
'I don't understand?'
'One day Toby, when you have a family. You will understand that what I am doing is best for you.' Marion hold Toby's hand in front of her.
'But, the football girl..'
'Forget the football girl' and from the moment on, Toby never mentioned the football girl, she was a dream he once had and from that moment on he dreamed to one day see her again.

Present day
'Ill leave you to talk' the doctor leaves the room.
'Toby?' Spencer lifts her head.'I'm sorry'
'Hey, you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm sorry for making you get hit by a car.' Spencer smiles weakly.
'We can get through this... Can't we?'
'We can get through anything'

Mr. Toby Cavanaugh   (A spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now