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Two days later

Spencer's POV
My eye was so swelled I could barely see, I looked in the mirror at the bruise. It stretched from my eyebrow to the top of my check bone. I ran my finger over the lump, it sent a shiver down my body.
I snuck out the back door so my parents and Melissa didn't see. For the last two days I'd been staying at Arias, she was my alibi.
I started walking down the road when I saw Toby coming towards me, I looked to the left so Toby could only see my right eye, unable to see the bruise.

Toby's POV
I saw Spencer walking towards me. I looked at her, she sharply turned her head towards the left. That's when I saw it, he left eye was swollen and black.
'Who did that to you?' I grabbed her arm. She tensed, I looked at her arm that was black and blue too.
'No one, it doesn't concern you' she continued walking.
'Spencer, who did this!' I stood In front of her. I ran my hand down her face.
'No one, leave me alone!' She pushed my hand away.
'I'm not going anywhere until you tell me' I looked at her, pain shot through her eyes.
'It was Tom' a tear ran down her face.  'Tom did this to me'
'Come here' I automatically hugged her.
'It's fine, I'm fine. I'm just over reacting' she pushed me away from her and continued walking.
'Spencer, this is not ok!' I ran behind her.

Spencer's POV
When he hugged me, I just wanted to stay in his arms. I felt safe, I felt like no one could touch me. I had to remove me feelings before they overwhelmed me.
'It's fine, I'm fine. I'm just overreacting'  I moved away from him.
'Spencer, this is not ok!' He ran behind me.
'Toby, just go away. Please' I wiped the tears from my face.
'Where is he?' He stopped me. I turned round to face him.
'I don't know' he needed to go.
'Yes you do!' He stepped towards me.
'Fine, he's waiting for me at the park' I turned away and hurried off.
Toby ran past me.
'Toby? What are you doing?' I ran after him.

Toby's POV
Just the thought of him doing that. Him hurting her. I couldn't let him harm her ever again. I ran past Spencer.
I stopped just before I reached the park. I saw him sitting there smug, I lost control of my anger.
'What is wrong with you?' I walked over to him.
'I'm sorry, what have I done?' He sarcastically smiled at me.
'You hurt her.' Spencer came running across the field. I pulled Tom onto his feet.
'Mate, this doesn't concern you!' I swung at him.
'I'm not your mate.' I pushed him against the bench.
'What you going to do..really..look at you' he launched back at my face. I grabbed his neck and rammed his face into the grass.
'Toby' Spencer called.
'Is that all you got?' Tom looked up at me. He smacked me in the knee knocking me to the ground.
I pulled him up and and elbowed him in the face. He stumbled back. I looked at my knuckles then lashed at his face. His eyes flickered them he dropped to the floor. 'No, that's all I've got, mate' I held my jaw.
'Toby, what are you doing' Spencer grabbed my arm.
'Move, now, before anyone sees you.' She pulled me off the field.

Spencer's POV
'Toby' I stood there, watching him hit Tom. Why was he doing this.
Tom dropped onto the floor. I looked around us and noticed that no one had seen this
'Toby, what are you doing?' I automatically grabbed his arm. I didn't mean to it just happened.
'Move, now, before anyone sees you.' I pulled him off the field, I had to get him somewhere. He couldn't be involved with this.

The Hastings house
I pushed him through the back door.
'Get in.' I went to the freezer and grabbed some ice. 'Hold' I placed the ice in his hand, and pressed his hand against This face. I kept my hand on his. I looked up into his eyes, beautiful blue eyes.
'Spencer?' Dad shouted.
I pulled my hand of his face.
'Go upstairs.' I whispered pointing to the direction of the stairs.
Dad walked in.
'Who was you talking to?' He looked at my eye.
'I was on the phone, to Aria' I walked towards the stairs.
'What happened to your eye?'
'O, it was stupid. I was playing tennis and I got hit' I'd already rehearsed what I would say if asked.
'Be careful next time' he turned and walked to his study, he didn't seem that interested. I contemplated asking him why he didn't care but then I remembered Toby was upstairs. I ran into my room.
'Why did you do that?' I slowly closed the door behind me.
'I did it because he hurt you' he put the ice on the unit.
'No, Toby. Why? I'm not your problem anymore, you made that choice!' Tears came down my face.
'Because I care, Spencer!' He stepped towards me.
'No, you don't, if you did you wouldn't of walked out on me. You wouldn't have left me there, Crying on my kitchen floor. On our anniversary, Toby.'  I wiped the tears from my face.

Toby's POV
'I do care Spencer, and what I did. I did it for you.' I couldn't carry on pretending anymore.
'You did it for me, you broken my heart for me? Toby, I think you should go.' She cupped her hands with her mouth.
'Let me explain. Please. If you want me to go, open the door and I'll go. If you're going to let me explain. Don't.' I grabbed hold of her hand. She retracted it.

Spencer's POV
'Go on' I looked up.
'I didn't want to break your heart. I did those things and made you believe it because..' He stopped and looked down.
'Because what Toby..' I stepped towards him.
'Because my mum told me to. She told me that, if I didn't. If I didn't split up with you, she'd tell your dad about us.' I thought back to when he split up with me. How his face was red.
'She hit you didn't she?'
He nodded, then his eyes filled.
'Hey, Toby. I love you.' I wiped away his tears.
'You forgive me?' He looked into my eyes.
'Yes, I forgive you' I whispered into his ear.
He pushed me back against the door. He slowly lifted his hand and held the side of my face. He lent in and kissed me. I closed my eyes. Our lips parted and I opened my eyes.
'I love you too' he smiled at me.
I pulled him towards me and kissed him back. Our kisses became passionate. He grabbed the nape of my neck and pushed me against the door.
'Are you sure?' He whispered
'Yes' I kissed him.
He unbuttoned my top and began kissing my neck. I pulled of his top and stroked down his chest. I got swept up in the moment. He ran his  hands over my neck and down my chest. I stepped forward. And gripped my nails in his back.
He pulled me back onto the bed.
A night of passion.
Spent with the love of my life.

Mr. Toby Cavanaugh   (A spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now