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Spencer's POV
Knock knock knock
I lift my head up from my pillow.
'Yes, who Is it?' I looked at the pillow, it was black from all of my mascara that had run. I turned it over.
'Its Melissa, mum wants you downstairs.'
I wiped my eyes, went over to the mirror, re-applied my mascara then opened the door. Melissa was smiling from ear to ear.
I walked downstairs and sat at the kitchen table.
'What?' I could feel myself welling up.
'Upenn accepted you!' She smiled at me.
'That's great, I'll be in my room.' I wasn't interested in Upenn right now. Upenn had been a Hastings traditional choice of college and I wanted to go. But right now I wanted to listen to every sad song I own and live in my room.
'Spencer, what has got you so down? I've never seen you like this!' Mum grabbed my arm. I thought back to when I tried to make him stay and he left.
'Nothing' my eyes started filling. I ran upstairs and locked my door. I fell against it and weeped into my hands.
'Spencer, your not missing school again get ready now!' Mum shouted upstairs.

Toby's POV
Knock knock knock
I was sat on my bed looking at a picture of me and Spencer on our first date. I ran my thumb over her face.
'I'm sorry' I whispered.
'Toby, get ready for school! And unlock this door.' Mum shouted.
I threw the picture at the wall, the glass smashed as it hit the floor. I stood up, I walked over to the self and destroyed everything. My DVDs, my books. Every picture was torn and shattered on the floor. I opened every draw and emptied it. I punched the wall.
'Ouch' I clutched at my hand. I was to angry to care I just kept hitting and hitting until eventually all my anger turned into cries for help. I slid down the cupboard door and dropped my head into my hands.
'Toby what is going on in there?'
I grabbed my bag and opened the door. 'I'm going to school!'
I saw her jaw drop when she saw the mess.
'Toby, get back here and sort this out!'
I juts ignored her and left the house.

Spencer's POV
'I'm going to walk, I'm meeting Aria'
I grabbed my bag and walked outside.
I stopped. So did he.
I looked at him. He looked at me.
I wanted to reach out to him, but he'd broken me.
'Hey!' Aria walked over. I dropped the eye contact with him.
She linked arms with me and carried on walking. I looked behind me and he'd gone.

Toby's POV
I was here. She was there.
I stared at here. She stared at me
We was like two ships passing in the night. Never stopping to talk and barely remembering the ship before.
I was broken. She was broken. We could only mend each other. But I had to stay away from her. I couldn't let my emotions through. I thought I'd take a different route to school.

Spencer's POV
I started dating Tom, he was only my rebound. I had no feelings for Tom. But I wanted to make him jealous, I wanted him to regret letting me go.
I walked down the school corridors hand in hand with Tom. Not because I wanted to, because he made me. Every time I tried to move my hand he gripped so hard I thought he'd break every single bone in it. I was scared of him. He'd bruised my wrist from one week of dating. I looked up from my wrist and walked straight into him, my books flew everywhere.

Toby's POV
I entered school and rushed to my locker, I turned the corner and smacked into her. Her books shot in each direction.
'I'll get them for you' I said as I reached down for her book.
'It's fine, I've got them' she snatched the book from my grasp. I looked at the boy she was with. Tom keynes, he was one of the most popular boys in the school.
'Honestly, it's no trouble.' I picked up her German book. I ran my fingers over the cover.
'I said I've got them' she went to grab it but I held on. Our fingers touched.
I looked at her. She looked at me. 'I said I've got them' she repeated as she pushed my hands from the book. She pushed past me. I stood there, I had no one, I'd lost the one thing I needed to keep me whole.

Spencer's POV
As I snatched the book from his hands I just wanted to reverse time, I wanted to have never meet him. I was barely holding together. I couldn't look at him without wanting to cry.
'Well that was tense' Tom started talking.
'Was it? I just dropped my books, I don't even know the guy?' I added.
'O, well. Let's get out of this hell hole!' He pulled me in the direction of the door.
'Tom, I need to stay and study' I pulled back.
'Come on no you don't' his pulling was consistent.
'Tom, I do get of me' I pulled my hand from his grasp. My hand pulsed in pain.
'Don't be so uptight' he grabbed my shoulder really hard.
'Ow, Tom get off' he kept hold. His grip tightened.
'If you don't come, it will hurt more'
I decided it would be best if I just followed. He kept tight hold of my wrist as we walked out of school.
We turned around the block.
'You know when people use me? Do you know how it makes me feel?' He looked sternly in my eyes.
'Who's using you?' My body was shaking.
'You' he grabbed my throat and rammed me against the wall.
'Tom, please stop' he let go, turned and then swung at my eye. My vision went blurry and everything blacked out.

Toby's POV
I locked my locker and began walking to science. I heard shouting from down corridor. I looked round the corner to see Tom and Spencer. I didn't wait to see I turned and left.
She didn't need me. She could defend herself.

Mr. Toby Cavanaugh   (A spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now