I'd lie for you

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Spencer's POV
Suddenly my lungs fill with smoke and I gasp for air, I shoot my eyes open. The room is filled with grey smoke.
'Toby..' I cough continuously. I pull Myself out of the bed, I need to get out. I stumble towards the door, it's blocked. The fire has spread to the door, I'm trapped. What happened? Where is Toby?
'Help me..' I try to shout but my lungs fill with more smoke it drowns out my cries. I drop onto my knees. I reach froward for my phone,
Contacts...Toby..I press call, my eyes go all blurry
Beep beep beep...
My eyes become heavy, as I grasp for air I slowly let them close and fall hitting my head.

Toby's POV
'Well I don't know Jenna, maybe I think you're responsible for what happened to Spencer's mum!' I stand across from Jenna, she still has her walking stick. I know full well she can see.
'Toby, I wouldn't do such a thing!'
'Of course you wouldn't, just like you wouldn't molest someone.' I say it loud so the people around us can hear.
'Toby, shut up..'
'What..it's truth..'
'Look Toby, I think we should leave this...'
'No! I want the truth!'
My phone starts ringing in my pocket.
'Might want to answer that, probably Spencer with a life crisis' she smirks at me. I end the call.
'I'm sure she can wait..'
'Not good to keep a girl waiting.'
'Jenna, I want to know did you do that to Spencer's house.'
'Maybe I did, maybe I didn't..'
I glare at her.
'I'm not playing your games.' I push past her and leave.
I know she did it, she never could lie. Why would anyone do that. Maybe I should call spence back.
I reach into my pocket and dial.
Beep beep beep
'Hello, it's Spencer. I can't answer the phone right now...please leave your message after the beep..'
'Hey, Spencer it's me. I hope you're ok beautiful, I'll be home soon. Love you.'
I hang up the phone and tuck it back into my pocket.

Spencer's POV
Suddenly, a bright light shines into my eyes.
All the black figures dance away from my eyes, I gasp for air and shoot my eyes fully open. I'm surrounded by several nurses and a doctor, how many times am I going to end up in this hospital?
'He's not here Miss Hasting.' My eyes focus and everything returns back to normal. I shuffle up.
'Can you call him here?'
'Yes of course. The police will be coming to talk about what happened.'
I nod and watch him leave the room.

Toby's POV
I walk up the stairs to my flat, I see the door all burnt up I dash into the room.
I look around the room, everything is burnt...Spencer isn't here. How did this happen? I look back at the bin, crap..it was my fault. I step back, two policemen enter.
'Hello sir, are you the house owner?'
'Yes..yes I am, where is..?'
'Do you know how this fire happened?'
'No...I've just got back..' I lie, I know this is because of me..I glance at the bin. My phone rings, I pull it out.
'Yes..ill be there in a minute.'
I hang up the phone.
'I have to go my girlfriend was involved..' I dart out the room.

Spencer's POV
'Hello Miss Hastings, I'm detective Barnes. Do you know how this happened?'
I look at her with a blank expression, I don't know how to reply..my mouth is dry and my throat hurts. It hurts to strain.
'I'm not sure I'm sorry, I don't remember.' I lie back on the bed, exhausted. She nods and leaves the room following the doctors instructions.

Toby's POV
'Hello, I'm here for Spencer Hastings?'
'Ah Mr Cavanaugh..' The doctor who treated Spencer last time walks towards me and takes my hand.
'Is she ok?' He smiles.
'Yes, yes both of them are.' I look at him confused.
'Both was..someone else hurt?'
'No, Spencer and the baby..' I look at him speechless.
'The baby..she's..'
'Yes, come on I'll take you to her.'
He walks a head of me. Spencer is pregnant..that means we have another shot of being parents, and this baby is fine..
I push open the door and dart over to Spencer and hug her. I'm so happy she's ok.
'Hey..' She smiles at me.
'Miss Hastings..' The doctor interrupts. I sit down on the chair next to her.

Spencer's POV
I glance at Toby, I'm so happy he's here.
'We ran some tests when you got here and we found out..'
I look at him worryingly, what if something bad has happened..
'You're pregnant.' I snap back to reality...pregnant, I don't know how to feel, I'm happy but I'm scared. Last time I lost the baby, I don't know if I can go through this again. I look at Toby, he smiles at me. I'm guessing he already know, he's fairly calm about the situation.
I look back at the doctor.
Toby stands up.
'That's..great.' I smile at him.
The doctor nods and leaves the room.
Toby grabs my face and kisses me.
'You are happy about this?'
'Yes, I am..'
'You're lying..'
'I'm scared Toby..I can't lose another baby..'
He grabs my hand.
'Whatever you want to do, I'll be here.' He kisses my cheek.
'The fire..' I look at him.
'Spencer, it was my fault.'
'What!' I sit up.
'I burnt a letter Jenna wrote, I'm sorry..' He looks down.
'It's ok, I'm alright..'
The door swings open and the detective re-enter.
'Hello Miss Hastings, Mr Cavanaugh.'
Toby shakes her hand.
'I'm wondering, if you remember yet?'
I glance at Toby.
'I do remember..'
Toby stares at me.
'It was my fault, I lit a candle and fell asleep with it on. It must have set fire to the sheets on the unit.'
I look at Toby, I don't know why I lied. I guess it was easier.
'Are you sure?'

Mr. Toby Cavanaugh   (A spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now