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Spencer's POV
It's 7pm on Saturday morning, Rosewood is quiet at this time as most people would have a lie in today, not my family I've got field hockey, tennis with my dad and study for my exam on Monday. Melissa's got some wedding planning thing and my mums being the lawyer she is. Most people leave their work faces at work, however my mum clearly doesn't. I was staring into my cereal swirling the milk round making the Cheerios go in a clockwise direction, I couldn't help but listen to mum and Melissa's conversation.
'I saw Toby Cavanaugh yesterday.' Melissa said as if it mattered who she saw. I kept my head down still swirling the milk as though I wasn't interested what was happening around me.
'Don't mention that boys name in the household. Nor his mothers' mum sounded defiant.
'What's wrong with Toby Cavanaugh?' I chipped in I had to, no one was going to tell me but it was worth a shot.
'Spencer..I think you should go a get ready for hockey' she put on the caring mothers voice, which was clearly as fake as Melissa's new nails.
'But I..'
'Go and get changed' she pointed to the direction of the stairs.
I slammed down my spoon, pushed out my chair so hard it made that unbearable sound like nails on a chalk board. Smiled sarcastically at mum and started walking upstairs.
'Get rid of that attitude too' she shouted after me.
I stopped at the top of the stairs, listening to the rest of the conversation, if they wouldn't tell me I'd find out myself.
'Maybe we should tell Spencer?'
'Why would we tell Spencer, she doesn't need to know, she has nothing to do with that boy and I assure she never will.'  What was so bad that I didn't have the right to know, plus to my own satisfaction I did know the boy.
'The boy goes to her school, if we tell her she'll stay away' Melissa was seriously trying to overrule mum here, it was never going to work.
'Look Melissa, not telling her will keep her safe, he's not exactly the type of guys she hangs with, he's worthless Melissa, worthless'
'Well, I think your making the wrong decision' that was a big mistake.
'Melissa, Toby Cavanaugh is a monster, creep whatever you want to call him. No one molests their own sister!'
I couldn't believe what I had just heard, I stepped back and the floorboard creaked.
'Spencer? Are you ready?' Mum called.
'I'm just putting my hair up' I ran into my room and being frantically grabbing my hockey clothes.

Toby POV
I Never talk about my step sister Jenna to anyone. I've never have anyone to talk to her about. I'm not close with Jenna, I haven't been since she told them I molested her. I didn't, it was the other way around. But why would anyone believe that poor blind Jenna would be capable of molesting a fully functional boy, like myself. She may be blind but she's able to think, using her weaknesses as an advantage has always helped her. I remember when it started, the memories or should I say nightmares that haunt me everyday. Summer 2006, we was all in the garden as one big happy family. Jenna asked me to help her with the drinks, I should have said no. Once inside the house, she locked the door behind us. A part of me always believed she could see, thinking back I am now certain. Her threatening words are what kept me quiet for years. 'Go ahead, tell them you'll be worse off. I can easily make myself look like the victim.' I held back for 2 years until things got out of control, Jenna kept her word and now wherever I go I'm seen as the boy who cried wolf.

Spencer's POV
I had just come back from tennis, i got out the car and went to the boot to get my bag. I looked over at the Cavanaugh house. The door opened and Jenna came out assisted by her mother. I pitied her, why would anyone do that to her. Using the weak and the vulnerable. I looked back at the Cavanaugh house, Toby was stood in the front window staring at me. He smiled. I turned and ran inside. Just looking at him made me cringe. Why would he do that, him the boy I met, the boy I spent hours talking to. I guess people can surprise you.

Once inside the house I dropped my bag in my usual spot and went to the fridge to get some orange juice. I sat down at the table, all I could see was Toby, the more I thought the more I drank.
'Woah, don't drink so fast' Alex came in through the back door.
'Hey, what are you doing here? It's nice seeing you.' I wrapped my arms round him and kissed him.
'Your mother invited me to your family meal tonight.' For the first time, my mother actually liked one of my boyfriends, mainly because all my other boyfriends was Melissa ex's.

I wore a sliver one strapped tight fitted dress. Alex wore a black suit with a silver tie to match my dress. I would have preferred to wear my trackies but when the Hastings have a meal it has to be extravagant. This meal was in dedication of Melissa and wrens engagement. She'd been engaged 3 times now, how long will this one last. Mum was talking to Alex, father was talking to Melissa and wren. So I was talking to myself. I was lent on my right arm, tapping the table with my left, watching the door to find any excuse to leave the table. I'd asked Aria to come and help but as usual she was 'busy.'

Toby's POV
I was walking to the cafe to read my book in peace. I never really left the house due to the comments I'd receive when I was out. The cafe was my safe haven, a place where I could reflect and be myself. I walked inside the cafe and saw the Hastings having a fancy meal. Spencer looked at me with disgust then lent on her boyfriend. She knew, someone had told her. I didn't want her to be told by them, I was hoping she'd never be told. I wanted to tell her the truth.

I wasn't staying in here, knowing what she thought of me. I got up and left, I wasn't looking back.

'Toby, wait!' She came running behind me. I didn't turn around I carried on going.
'Toby, please, don't walk away from me!' She stopped. The clicking of her heels stopped trailing after me. I carried on going. That was the hardest thing I'd ever done.

Spencer's POV
The was a bell above the cafe door that rang whenever anyone entered, the bell rang so I looked at the door. It was Toby. I looked away from him and lent my head on Alex's shoulder. 'What is he doing here?' Melissa said. 'And why is he staring at us!' She looked at mum for some reassurance.
'He's just jealous, of something he'll never have' mum looked at me then dismissed the rest of the conversation. Toby got up and began leaving.
'Thank god he's going, he's not welcome.' Melissa chipped in.
'It's a public place, Melissa' I grabbed my bag and ran after him. 'Spencer!' Melissa shouted.
'I'll get her.' Alex said as he followed.

'Toby, wait' he carried on waking.
'Toby, please don't leave me' I stopped, lent against the wall and watched him walk away from me. It started raining as the tears streamed down my face.

'Spencer. Are you ok' Alex came round the corner.
'Alex. Just go away.' I didn't look at him.
'Spencer, listen to me I love you' he grabbed me and made me face him.
'I love you Spencer!' He repeated.
'I don't' a single tear trickled down my face. I stepped back.
'What'  he released his grip on my arm and stepped back.
' I don't love you Alex, your everything my mother wants me to have in a boyfriend. You don't really love me, your only here because your father wants in with the Hastings, I'm not stupid Alex, you've been using me. Just go.' He knew I was right, he turned and left. The rain was heavy now.

Even though I never had it, I lost everything.

Toby's POV
I grabbed my bag and left the house. I wasn't telling anyone I was leaving. I began waking to the bus stop in the pouring rain. Spencer's words was in my thoughts 'Toby, please, don't leave me' I couldn't go, I couldn't leave her I had to tell her how I felt. I began running back to the cafe. Hoping she was still there.

Spencer POV
I wasn't going back to the meal. My hair was ruined, my mascara was down my face and my shoes was drenched. I turned to go home.

'Toby?' He was standing their soaked.
'You look beautiful'
'Thank you' I smiled to myself.
'Spencer I need you to know I'
'You didn't do what they said you did, I know' I looked at him.
'You do?' He looked up, his eyes glistened the way they did the first day we met.
'At first I believed them, but I know your not like that'
'Thank you' he grabbed my hand.
'I thought you gone, I thought you was going to leave me here, in the rain. I laughed.
' I would never leave you, not even in the rain.' He laughed back.
'Spencer, I need to tell to you something. I really like you.'  What he felt was real, he did like me. I wasn't imagining these feelings that he felt.
I didn't know what you say. I was still looking into his eyes.
'I don't know what to say?'
'What does your heart say?' He placed my hand on my heart. He didn't like me because I was a Hastings, he liked me for being me.
'I don't know, it's beating to loud for me to hear.'
'Well, I'm not waiting around to find out' was he still going to leave?
He stepped forward, grabbed my waist , pulled me in really close. He placed him hand on my face, his hand was warm and gentle and slowly lent in to kiss me. His lips was soft, like silk. I placed my arms around his neck and stepped in closer. We stood there kissing in the rain it didn't matter who was watching. 

I know what my heart wants, my heart wants him.

Mr. Toby Cavanaugh   (A spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now