The calm before the storm

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Spencer's POV
We sat in the car silent, listening to the radio. I had no idea where we was going and Toby had made me wear a blind fold.

Toby's POV
I kept looking at Spencer sitting there blindfolded, I reached forward and grabbed her hand. I let go, got out the car and made my way round to her side of the car.

Spencer's POV
I felt Toby grab my hand, I guessed we was here. I heard him leave the car and the gravel move underneath his feet as he did. My door opened.
'We're here' he grabbed my hand and helped me out the car.
I heard music coming from about 20 metres away, Toby began moving me closer to it. We stopped and Toby changed the song to; Everything I do by Bryan Adams. It was our song. Our promise to each other. He'd really thought about this.
He slowly began undoing my blindfold as he did he ran his fingers over my neck and kissed it gently.
He removed it from my face and tucked it in his pocket.
I looked down to see and blanket beneath the stars, on the edge of Rosewood. We was meant to come here for our anniversary but now it was more special. There was a little picnic basket on the left corner of the blanket and a CD player on the right. I looked out at the lights of Rosewood.
'It's beautiful Toby' I looked at him and smiled.
He led me over to the blanket, we sat down.

Toby's POV
I had a urging question I needed to ask her, I was holding on for the right time. I didn't want to impose it on her as soon as we arrived but I was dying to ask her.

Spencer's  POV
After we ate we led on the blanket looking at the stars. Well I wasn't I was staring into Toby's blue eyes.
'The stars look great' Toby spoke
'Yeah they do' I was still looking at him.
'You not even looking at them' he smiled at me.
'I don't need to, I can see everything I need to'  I ran my finger over his dimple in his chin.
'I love you' he smiled.
'I love you too' I smiled back.

Toby's POV
I had waited long enough, I had to get this off my chest.
'Spencer' 'Toby'
'You go first' she insisted
'No you first'  I insisted.
'I was just going to say, I think Melissa is ok with us being together. She covered for me tonight'
'She did?'
'Yes, anyway what was you going to say?' She looked at me.
'Spencer, I want you to move in with me' she just looked at me, not saying anything. I didn't know if This was a positive or a negative.

Spencer's POV
Toby had just asked me to move in with him. I wanted to but my parents would never allow it.
'Toby, my parents won't allow it?'
'I know, but I'll wait. No matter how long it takes. I just want you to know if you feel like you don't have a place to call home, you do now.'
'I guess I have to say yes then' i wrapped my arms round him.
He grabbed the nape of my neck and pulled me towards him. He rubbed his nose against mine, I loved it when he did this, an Eskimo kiss.
I stroked the side of his face then passionately kissed him.
'I need to go, will you drive me' I stood up.
'Yes, of course' he stood up and grabbed my hands.
'Thank you, for a lovely evening. I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else'
'Neither would I' he kissed my forehead.

Toby's POV
I pulled up outside Spencer's, she'd fallen asleep on the journey home.
'Spencer? We're back'
She slowly opened her eyes and tilled her head towards me.
'Can we just stay here for a minute'
I unbuckled my belt and shuffled to the sit next to her. I pulled her into my arms.

Spencer's POV
'I'll call you tomorrow' I lent through the window and kissed him.
'I'll answer' he smirked and kissed me back.
'Bye, I love you' I shouted as I walked round the front of the truck.
'Bye, I love you too' he called after me.
I stood waving as he drove off.
I took of my stilettos and started climbing the drain pipe. I stumbled in through the window, I was still smiling to myself. I turned around to see mum dad and Melissa stood staring at me. Melissa was sat in the chair Toby had made me. She had her head in her hands, judging by her expression I guessed she didn't mean to rat me out.
'Spencer you can't keep doing this!' Dad shouted.
'I'm sorry'
'Your not sorry, Spencer! You don't even care' dad grabbed my phone.
'No, your right I don't care, just like you don't care about me.'
'Spencer' mum walked forward.
'Well you don't' I looked at Melissa.
'Isn't a family meant to be built on truth? Because this family is full of lies,  liars and unloving parents'
'Spencer, your grounded' dad raised is hand, I thought he was going to hit me. I tensed.
'I was already grounded, look where that got me' I couldn't help sarcastically replying it was a habit, a bad one.
'How did you get out?' Dad lowered his hand.
'I..' I looked at Melissa.
'I gave her the key' Melissa stood up.
'You did what?' Mum stepped towards Melissa.
'Spencer's right, this family is full of lies. You don't care about her happiness all you care about is controlling her, are you ever going to realise that doesn't work. You don't understand how Spencer feels, I do. Your meant to be our parents, not our lawyers!' Melissa stormed out the room.
Dad turned back to me so did mum.
'Is that what you really want? Happiness.'
I nodded. I ran towards the door.
'Spencer' dad grabbed my arm.
He handed me my phone.
'If Toby is your happiness then I'm not going to stop you anymore' he smiled.
'Well, he is! And I'm moving in with him' I turned around the corner of my room and smiled to myself. I needed to find Melissa.

Toby's POV
I walked into the brew and order a cappuccino. I looked over to the steps of my stairs and saw the back of a girl with jet black hair sitting there.
My phone beeped.

Hey, I can move in with you!
Spencer xo

I smiled at my phone and quickly replied then walked over to the stairs.
'Can I help you?' I tapped her shoulder.
'Hello, Toby' I stood there staring at her.

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