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Toby's POV
I sat looking at Spencer. She sat there silent as though she was watching the world tick by. She hadn't moved for about half and hour. Her legs was across mine and she was still clutching at a pillow. I could she the hurt in her face and the tears glistening in her eyes. I wanted to reach out but I didn't know how to.
Knock Knock knock

Spencer's POV
I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to move all I wanted was for my parents to be happy for me. I wanted to console myself in Toby, but I couldn't even talk to him without crying.

'Spencer' Toby reached for my arm.
Knock knock knock
'I'll get it' I jumped up and walked to the door.

'Dad?' Once I noticed it was him I was preparing to shut the door but he shoved his foot against it.
'Get home now' he grabbed my arm.
'No, I don't want to come home. I've been gone for longer than a day and You've only just noticed I left' I pulled my arm back.
'Not now Spencer! Home' he re gripped my arm and pulled me out the door.
'Toby' I stretched my arm out but dad continued pulling me.
'Mr Hastings, don't do this' Toby ran to the door.
Dad ignored him and dragged me out the building.
'I can walk unassisted' I pulled my hand out of his grip.
'Get in the car'
I sat in the car, I refused to talk to him the whole journey home. I started to wonder if this relationship with Toby would every work.

3 days later

Toby's POV
Spencer was locking me out. I hadn't seen her or spoken to her since the incident in my flat. I'd messaged her, no reply. I'd rang her, no reply.
This relationship was beginning to take its toll, would it ever be ok to love her or was this relationship to difficult from the start.

It was school today, I knew she'd be there I had to see her. I had to know if she still felt the same.

Spencer's POV
I walked into school, not knowing how Toby was. I hadn't spoken to him for three days now. I hadn't been able to.

Toby came walking behind me. I didn't turn around I continued walking. I knew Melissa was lurking she had to watch everything I did. Toby pushed me into the girls toilets.
'Why are you ignoring me?'
'I'm not' I turned to leave.
'I've rang, I've messaged. You ignored both'
'Toby, I'm not ignoring you. Now let me go'
'No, Spencer stop shutting me out' he kept hold of my arm.
'I don't have a choice Toby.'
'You always have a choice'
'Not when it concerns my parents I don't, you want to know when I've been ignore you. I don't have my phone, my laptop, my windows locked and I have 24hr supervision.' I turned to leave again.
He pulled me back and kissed me. I continued kissing him. I'd missed him so much. I wrapped my arms round him and hugged him as hard as i could.
'Spencer' Melissa shouted from outside the toilets.
Quick get in a cubicle. I pushed Toby in a cubicle. We both stood there. Staring at each other. I'd missed his pretty blue eyes.
'Spencer, what are you doing?'
'I'm on the toilet, can I not pee in piece?' Toby smirked.
'I'll wait outside, hurry up. I have to escort you to history'
I waited for the door to shut. Then let out a sigh.
Toby lent forward and kissed me.
'I love you' I whispered then opened the cubicle door.
'I love you too'
'Stay here for a few minutes, Melissa is outside.' I opened the door
'Sure' and left.
'you know I don't need to escort me to history, I'm not incapable.'
'I know, but you're not aloud to see Toby!' Melissa and I walked down the corridor and stopped outside Fitz room.
'I'll pick you up after school' Melissa turned and walked off.
This was going to drive me insane. No matter what they said I wasn't going to do what I was told, a Hastings never does.
I sat down and waited for Toby to enter. He should have come in by now.

Toby's POV
I was about to walk out the girl toilets when Mrs Montgomery walking in.
'Toby? These are the wrong toilets'
I just froze and looked at her.
'Oh, my bad.' I walked past her.
'Toby, the boys toilets are down the hall'
She must have thought I was an idiot. But I don't care what anyone thinks, all I care about is Spencer.

I walked into history and looked at her. I did what I normal did, stroked her hand as I walked past.

'Class' Fitz began.
'I would like you to pair up with a different partner for this term.' I immediately looked a Spencer. She was already looking at me.

Spencer's POV
I sat with Toby, he was my new partner for history. Fitz began talking about the topic. Toby grabbed my hand under the table. I smiled to myself.
Fitz set us off on a task.
'Toby, I need to' he interrupted
'To see you' he finished.
'When?' He questioned.
'Whenever your free'
'For you I'm always free' he smiled. I smiled back.
'You two seem happy about this topic' Fitz stood in front of us
'Yes, the civil rights act is my favourite topic. I was telling Toby about it.' I smiled at Fitz.
'Ok. Get writing' he tapped my page then turned away.
I held up 7 fingers to Toby.
He nodded.

6:45pm - The Hastings house

I was still unsure of how I was going to leave the house, but I would. I wore my tight fitting red dress, that was just above the knee. It had a v shaped back. I bought it for a special occasion, But had never wore it. My hair was up in a bun and I wore my ring. My shoes was black stilettos.
There was a knock at my door.
I ran to my bed and pulled the cover over me.
'Spencer, it's Melissa' she walked In and sat on my bed.
'I don't want to talk to you' I turned away from her.
'Spencer' she tapped my shoulder.
'What, just go away!' I turned to see her holding my phone and the key for my window.
'Why are you giving me that?' I sat up.
'I know you going to see him. And I know he was with you in the bathroom this morning.' She smiled.
'I'm a Hastings remember' she laughed.
I canceled her laugh 'but why are, YOU being nice. You don't care, you hate me?'
'Spencer, although you've done things that I hate, I can't hate you, your my sister and I need to be there for you and I haven't.' She paused.
'And Spencer, I know you love him. Mum and dad are blind if they can't see that. Now go, I'll cover for you'
'What if your just saying this, trying to get me in trouble.' I was always hesitant to do anything when it concerned Melissa.
'Do you think that bad of me? I'm sorry for everything I've done in the past to hurt you. But I want you to be happy Spencer.'
'I'm sorry too. For everything' I lent forward and hugged her. She wanted me to be happy. That's all I ever wanted to hear from her.
I stood up and unlocked the window.
'You look great' she smiled at me.
'Thank you Melissa.' I climbed down the drain pipe and then put on my shoes. The time was 6:58pm.
I looked at my phone and saw;
24 missed messages
9 missed calls.
All from Toby. I looked up and saw him there in his truck. I smiled.
He got out and hugged me.
'You look, beautiful' he kissed my hand.
He Walked me over to the truck and opened the door like a gentlemen.
He wore and grey suit, with a black tie. By now he too was sat in the truck
'you look very attractive yourself, if I do say'
I slowly lent forward and kissed him.

Mr. Toby Cavanaugh   (A spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now