25. The talk

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I follow Marjorie into the office,
"So" she begins, "I owe you an apology"
"I decently owe you one too"
"I," she hesitates, "I was so blinded about how much I hate Mia I didn't even stop to think that there might be something going on in your personal life" she sighs, "I just put all the blame on her"
"That's understandable. It's not like there's any love lost between you two" I suppose I don't completely blame her. I can understand why she doesn't get along with Mia.

"I know but I've known you for so long. I should've been able to recognise that you were going through something and not put it all on her. And I'm so sorry that you felt like you had to go through that by yourself" Marjorie says
"Well it would have been a lot more helpful if I'd been more open about what was going on. I mean, I can't expect people to just know. Everyone's got their own stuff going on" I reply
"True. But you are always there for everybody else. You always spotted the signs that something was going on with any of the staff members. So, I can't even imagine how frustrating that must have been when nobody noticed it with you"
"Well, one person did"
"Yeah. We'll get to her in a minute" she replies before Reece walks in,
"Morning Charlotte. Hey gorgeous there's your coffee" he smiles as Marjorie takes the cup,
"Thank you. Anyway. What I'm trying to say is that I'm ever so sorry that you felt like you had no one to talk to. And regarding the Jodie thing, you're right. I should have really taken my head out the sand"
"O could've handled that a bit more delicately. You know, Jodie's part of the work family too so that was probably hard for you to hear" even if it did need saying, I suppose I could have been nicer about it.

"It was. But you made some really valid points. And speaking of valid points, the thing you said Reece and I..." she trails off,
"I am just lashing out because you brought up Mia" I really shouldn't have said anything about her and Reece at all. I was just so angry.
"No, no you were right. I have taken my eye of the ball because I was so focused on him. And to be honest, actually I really needed to give my head a wobble. And if anyone was gonna do it it was you so I'm so sorry" she apologises
"I'm sorry too. I realise I've probably put you in an awkward position by getting closer to Mia"
"Yes. Regarding Mia, um... you're an adult. You do what you like. Although, I can't say I care for you choices of... companion?" She stumbles on finding the right way to word it which makes me laugh,
"Companion?" I repeat
"Partner? I mean I, I don't wanna assume. I mean, are you into women now?" Am I into women?
"No" I reply. I've thought about it a lot actually. I don't think I'm into women. But that doesn't mean I'm into men. I just don't think I need a label right now.

"So, you're still into men?"
"No" I shake my head.
"So..." I can tell how confused she is right now, it's quite amusing.
"Marjorie?" I cut her off,
"I'm into Mia" I smile. I've never actually said that out loud before. Have I even ever said that in my head before? 'I'm into Mia' Mia...
"I mean, if we have to put a label on it-" I began,
"No, you don't have to!" Marjorie objects, "it's none of my business I should have never have asked. Nobody should be asking anybody anything. Okay, you, you're into Mia. It is what it is" okay?
"Yeah. I, I like Mia. It is what it is"
"Exactly. You're into Mia. End of. There should be no more discussion about it" she says. Okay.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm happy with that" I smile. It feels really good to say it out loud. And especially with Marjorie. She means a lot to me and knowing everything is sorted and put in the past is really really good.

"I mean as long as you're happy. That's all that matters. I personally can't get over some of the horrible things she's done for the siblings. But that's my issue not yours" well...
"Actually, there's something I need to talk to you about that because there's bits that you don't know..."
"There's more?" Reece asks,
"What don't we know?" Marjorie questions.
After filling Marjorie and Reece on the backstage drama, they are left stunned to say the least.
"Roger was using her all these years? I can't believe it that's-"
"Mia's GAY?!" Reece bursts out. "As in only into women?!"
"That is your take away from this story? Char's just told you Mia was being used for 20 years for gods sake!" Marjorie replies
"I spend 20 YEARS with a LESBIAN?!" Oh... yeah?
"I never thought I'd say this but, poor Mia" Marjorie sighs
"Poor Mia?" Reece repeated
"Well yeah! I mean, of that relationship, sounds like she definitely got the raw end of the deal" is Marjorie actually siding with Mia? I never thought I'd see the day
"That makes no sense though the woman had a libido of a-" he cuts himself off. A what? "Uh, a nun" he finished. Yeah right.
"I think that was her technique to do Roger's bidding. You know, just 'keep you on a short leash"
"What do you mean?" He asks
"Well, from talking to her, it sounded like that made you a lot more compliant" Reece thinks for a moment before sighing
"Well I'd be dammed"
"I swear all men are the same" Marjorie huffs with her arms folded across her chest. Agreed.
"Aw and that explains all the three-"
"All the three what?" Marjorie asks. Oops. Reece is in trouble...
"Nothing" she places her hands on her hips and Reece looks terrified
"When you say 'all' how many are we talking?" I look around the office awkwardly. Do I sneak away? I kind of want to hear this... no. That's rude. I should go, right? But that's also bad. I can't just walk out.
"I don't know" Marjorie raises her brows. Awkward...
"Ballpark" Reece hesitates,
"How many does a ballpark seat"
"Oh my god"
"Wow" I mutter.
"Why are you so smiley?!" Marjorie questions. Oh, uh?
"Oh it's just, uh, sounds like Mia really could have her pix of everyone. It's just nice that she... chose me" I admit. It is nice to know
"Don't put yourself down like that! You're an absolute catch and the more she gets to know you the more she'll see that" Marjorie replies.

"Well, we got to know each other pretty well when I stayed over the other night" I smile,
"Yeah bet you did" Reece mumbles.
"Reece!" Marjorie interjects.
"Not that I should have to explain, but we talked all night"
"Talked. Right. Is that what the kids are calling it?" He asks. Oh my god.
"Why is that so unbelievable?"
"Cause Mia doesn't talk she-" he cuts himself off again due to the look from Marjorie. Wow he is really digging himself into a whole here.

"You are on wafer thin ice at the moment!"
"I'm gonna shut up. Sorry Charlotte. You were telling us about your night of passionate conversation" I give him a look before facing Marjorie,
"It was really nice, we literally just laid in bed and talked all night. It just, felt really nice to connect with someone" I tell her,
"Aww. So are you two like together?"
"We're not together" I answer, "but we're not apart. We're just getting to know each other. We both have a lot to work through so we're kind of helping each other through stuff, you know? Just going with the flow"
"Well she certainly put the spring back in your step. So, if you're happy, I'm happy"

It really means a lot to me that Marjorie said that. I'm so over the moon about her warming up to the idea of Mia and I.

"Thank you, Marjorie. I really appreciate that. I'm really happy we had this talk" I smile, "even with Reece here"
"Me too my love. Now, if you'll excuse me. I need to have a chat with this man child over here"
"Sure. Good luck Reece" I awkwardly leave the office. I wish him the best of luck for that.

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