48. Don't need him

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Mia pulled up outside the nursery and got out of the car. She had planned to take Charlotte out for her lunch break today as she knows how stressed she has been with the current situation.

It's only been two days since Mia's 'encounter' with Nathan but something she said, or did, must have shook him up. Because he had backed off the full custody claim. In fact, he even signed over his parenting rights.

"Mia" Marjorie folds her arms across her chest as she approaches the woman, "waiting for Char?"
"Yep" she smirks. Tension began to thicken the air. Despite both agreeing to play nice for Charlotte's sake, there was still a lot of unresolved issues between the two.

"Uh, thank you. For the Roger tip last week"
"No problem. I have a few tricks for Reece as well of your interested"
"I think I'm good" Mia laughs at the woman's disgraceful look.
"Okay. Well, if we are going to play nice for Char's sake, I suppose, I'm sorry. For the other stuff I did" apologising was not something Mia did very often. Or at all. But if it was for Charlotte, the woman would do anything.

"Thank you. I appreciate that. I uh, I'm glad that she's happy. Even if it is with you" Marjorie replies,
"Hey Marjorie" Charlotte smiles as she walks up to the women, "is everything okay here?"
"Yes sweetheart. Marjorie and I are... well" the woman stumbles for words to explain the encounter,
"Playing nice. No more drama my love" Marjorie smiles,
"Well we all have to start somewhere" Charlotte replies
"Well I'll let you get off then"


"Hey, I was thinking of booking Friday off work and letting Ellie stay of school, you know it's her birthday I think she'll like some time just us"
"Sounds fun sweetheart, I'm sure she'll love it" Mia replies as they drive along the road, "but keep Saturday free, okay?"
"Why?" Charlotte questions,
"No reason. Just don't make plans"
"What are you planning Amelia Roberts?" Mia just smiles innocently and carried on driving "Mia-" the sound of Charlotte's phone cuts her off, "it's the school?"

"Hello?" Charlotte answers,
"Hello, is this Charlotte? Isla's mum?" The school receptionist asks,
"Yes this is me speaking. How can I help you?"
"Well, we've actually had an incident and we will need you to come and collect Isla"
"What? Is she okay? What happened?" Mia looks at the worried woman, "they want me to get Isla" she whispers before putting the phone on speaker so Mia can hear
"Isla physically attacked another student today and will have to be collected. We ask that you keep her home tomorrow too so she can reflect of her behaviours and return to school with a a better attitude"
"So she's being suspended? She's 7 years old?!" The woman questions
"Your daughter's recent behaviour is not up to our school standards. Her teachers have also made us ware that her behaviour during class, effort and school work have been declining recently. As well as her attitude towards staff and students. So will you be able to collect her and we do ask to schedule a meeting with her teacher too"
"I'll get someone there"
"Thank you"

The call ends and Charlotte looks at Mia worriedly,
"What am I gonna do? There is no one to cover me at work"
"I'll go get her if you want" Mia suggests.
"Really? You would?"
"Of course. It's no problem" Mia did have an idea on why Isla was playing up at school. She's just a kid, trying to regulate her emotions. And with all that's been going on with her dad, it's understandable her go to emotion would be anger. It was for Mia too.


"Hi, I'm here to collect Isla" Mia smiles at the receptionist,
"Ah yes, Mia, is it?" Mia knew that Charlotte called ahead as she wasn't on the pick up list,
"Yeah that's me, Charlotte said I'd need to show you ID?" She pulls out her ID from her bag, showing the receptionist.
"Yes, thank you. If you could just sign here," the woman opens the book and Mia signs her name.

The doors open and another woman walks out with Isla, who does not look like her usual happy self.
"Hey sweetheart" Mia smiles
"Hi, I'm Miss Connor, Isla's teacher"
"Hi, I'm Mia" the red head introduced herself

"Isla, are we going to go home and think about our actions?"
"I didn't do anything wrong! It wasn't my fault!" She shouts
"Isla, please don't raise your voice at me" the woman replied
"Come on sweetheart, let's get you home" the little brunette takes Mia's hand and they walk out.

"Okay princess, do you want to talk about it?" She asks once they are in the car. The 7 year old huffs and crosses her arms,
"I don't like school"
"But I thought you loved school?"
"Not anymore" she replies.
"Has something happened?" Mia questions,
"No" Mia could see the hurt and anger in the little girls face and her heart broke.

"Isla? What happened?"
"Lily told everyone that daddy ran away and didn't want me and now everyone is being mean and no body wants me anymore" she cries. Mia abruptly stops the car,
"What's this girl's name?"
"Lily spikes. Why?"
"I'll need it for later. But sweetheart you know that's not true, right?"

"But it is true! Daddy did leave me! He didn't want me. No one does"
"I do. And your mummy and your sister. We all love you so much"
"Then why doesn't daddy? Why did he chose Trashley? Every other kid gets a dad! It's not fair!" Isla pushes the tears out of her eyes. Mia felt shattered. Just like she was looking into a mirror of her younger self.

"Hey, you don't need anyone other than mummy and Ellie, okay? Your daddy doesn't know what he's lost. You are such an amazing, smart, beautiful little girl. And you're gonna grow up to be the best Isla you can be okay? You don't need him"

"Okay. Now how about we go get some ice cream?" Mia suggests which brings back Isla's smile,
"I'm thinking chocolate. With extra sprinkles" the red head smiles,
"And a flake!"
"And a flake princess"

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