32. We'll be okay

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(3ed person)
Mia lifts her hand to knock on the sage painted door. She brushes her hair with her hand before it opens,
"Mia? I- what are you doing here?"
"Thought I'd surprise you, sweetheart" Mia smiles at the stunned woman in front of her, "now are you going to just stand there or?" Charlotte reaches for her hand and pulls her inside.

Despite the spacious hallway they now stand in, the two women couldn't be more closer
"Hi" Mia smiles as she intwines her fingers with the brunette
"Hi" she replies before connecting their lips in a longing kiss. This is all Mia wanted for so long and Charlotte never knew she needed.

They pull apart slightly to catch their breath,
"I've missed you" Mia stokes a strand of hair behind charlottes ear
"I've miss you too. You know, kids aren't home for another hour"
"Oh?" The red heads brow raises at the mischievous smirk and Charlottes face, "what should we do I wonder..."
"Oh shush" the brunette playfully rolls her eyes before connecting her lips with Mia's again.


"Mummy! We're home!" Isla's shouts pull Mia and Charlotte out of their moment.
"Playtimes over sweetheart" Mia kisses Charlotte one last time before they roll out of the bed

After fixing their appearances, the couple make their way downstairs to greet the girls.
"Hey" Charlotte smiles at her daughters yet their attention is on the red head behind her
"Mia!" Isla runs into her arms which Mia gladly picks her up
"Well hello to you too"
"Mia this is Claire, the girls aunt. This is my friend Mia" Charlotte introduced the two
"Nice to meet you" Mia reply's with a smile as she lows the girl, "uh, Charlotte, can we talk?"
"Yeah of course" Charlotte sensed the awkward tension radiating off of the woman and immediately got nervous.


The adults go into the kitchen while the girls play in the living room,
"What's going on?"
"It's about Nathan" Charlotte knew this could only get worse from now,
"He's left"
"What do you mean left?"
"He's gone away with Ashley and I have no idea if he is even coming back" Charlotte couldn't believe it. She knew Nathan was all over Ashley but seriously? Was he going to just abandon his kids?

"He's just going to abandon his kids for his girlfriend?" Mia questions. She knows the feeling all too well and was not about to let those girls go through the same thing she did.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to say. I haven't told the girls, all they know is that he's been gone for a few days and they're coming back here"
"Uh, thanks for telling me Claire. I'll talk to the girls" Charlotte replies. She honestly didn't know what to say. She now had to tell her children that daddy cares more about his girlfriend. How can she do that?

"I'm gonna go say bye to the girls, I'm sorry again. It was nice meeting you Mia" she smiles before walking out the room. Charlotte faces Mia and she can see the emotions all through her features,
"Hey, it's gonna be okay. He doesn't deserve the girls or you" Mia comforts the brunette in a hug
"How am I going to tell them?"
"We'll figure it out"


After Claire left the four girls sit around the living room catching up. Charlotte's mind is running in all directions about Nathan and as much as she's trying to enjoy sat with her kids, she can't get it out of her head. Mia can tell it's on her mind.

Mia could guess that Charlotte was thinking about the girls and how they would feel. She could see it in her eyes.

"Hey girls, why don't we order pizza and watch some movies?"
"Really??" Isla squeals
"Go get your blankets" Mia smiles. The girls hurry out of the room.
"What are we gonna tell them?" Charlotte whispers after they leave
"Doesn't matter what you say sweetheart, it's not going to make it easier on them. But you are ten times the parent he ever was and those girls are amazing. They will be fine" Mia takes charlottes hand in hers which does quiet her mind a bit.


After watching Moana per Isla's request, colouring, making bracelets and eating pizza, the girls settle for bed. Isla drifted off on the sofa so Charlotte carried her up to bed.

"Are you okay mum?" Ellie asks and Charlotte sits down next to her
"I'm fine sweetheart" she smiles
"What did Claire tell you? It's dad, isn't it?" Ellie knows something's up. She noticed how distant her mother was after her talk with her aunt
"We'll talk in the morning, okay?"
"He's gone. Isn't he?" Charlotte was a little surprised at Ellie. She didn't say anything but nodded
"I'm sorry Ellie" Ellie had barely seen her dad over the past few weeks. Even when he was there, he wasn't really there. She may be a kid, but she was smart enough to know that she and her sister wasn't on his mind as much as Ashley was.

"I love you mum" she hugs Charlotte not knowing what to think. Does he really care that little? He just... left?


After saying goodnight, Charlotte meets Mia in the hallway. She closes the door to Ellie's room  so they could speak freely
"Will you stay? Please?"
"Of course sweetheart"

Mia's home :) A cute little chapter for you guys so hope you enjoyed
Xoxo -I

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