27. Facetime

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"So everything's okay with Marjorie now? Or do I have to come back?" Mia asks. She's on FaceTime propped up on the kitchen table as Charlotte cleans the counters,
"Can I say no just so you'll come back?" Mia laughs at her reply,
"As soon as I can I'll be back. I promise" the red head replies.
"Good. Marjorie is okay. I'm working back at the nursery and everything is going good. She even asked about you"
"She did?" The brunette puts down the cloth and goes to sit at the table,
"Yeah. I think she just wanted to see if we still talk. But it ended with Reece getting in trouble so"
"Ha, how'd that happen?" She asks
"Well, he was shocked to say the least about you being a lesbian"
"Funny how he never caught on about that" she laughs,
"He did let it slip about all the girls you brought back" she adds.
"In front of Marjorie?"
"Yeah. She wasn't too happy"
"What about you?" Charlotte was confused at the question,
"What do you mean?"
"What do you think about it"
"I have no opinion on your life choices. Do what you want" Mia nods in reply and for a second it goes quiet,
"Char? Im not sleeping with anyone now. If that's what you're thinking"
"What? No! No, no. You can do what you want" Charlotte replies,
"Soo... you?"
"Mia!" Charlotte was surprised that the woman's reply. And a little flustered. The red head smirks
"Sorry. But not. It's cute when you blush like that" Charlotte rolls her eyes in attempt to not blush harder.

"Mummy!" Isla runs into the room pulling Charlotte's attention from the phone call,
"Hey sweetie" she smiles, "do you remember Mia?"
"Yeah! Hi Mia!"
"Hello sweetheart" the red head smiles. "How have you been?"
"Good! Mummy is letting us stay here all the time now!" She beams. Charlotte notices Mia raising a brow,
"I'll talk to you about it later. Where's Ellie?" I ask,
"In the car with auntie Claire" just as the little girl answers, the two walk in carrying a few bags.

"Hey Char, brought some stuff back" Claire smiles as the woman and places the bags on the floor,
"Thank you" Ellie goes to hug her mother which Charlotte happily returns.

"My brother is a screw up, he'll regret it" Claire knew her brother had seriously messed up. Claire adored her nieces. But Nathan had been completely brainwashed by Ashley. And Claire hated it. She knew he could be a good dad and would be there if she wasn't taking all of his time and attention.

However, Charlotte was a good mother. She wouldn't let anyone get in the way of her children and Claire knew that. The girls deserved a better parent than Nathan at the moment.

"And then I hit her in the face!" Charlotte spins around at the sound of Isla's little giggle.
"You did what?" Mia fails to hold in a little laugh as Isla puts on a cute face, "you hit someone at school?"
"She was mean to me first mummy!"
"That doesn't mean you hit them Isla" Charlotte tells her daughter's
"Mia thinks it's funny" she mumbles
"Sorry. I tried to hold it in" Charlotte sighs at the red heads smile.

"Isla what happened?" She asks
"Lily was being mean to me so I gave her what for!" The girl replies with a bucket load of sass.
"Sounds like she deserved it"
"Yeah!" Charlotte had to admit, the way Mia and Isla got along did melt her heart. Isla loved her from the moment she walked into their house those weeks ago.

"It's still not right" Charlotte said
"Okay, well I'll let you get on, come say bye lovelies" Claire crouches down and the two girls run over to hug their aunt.


The girls have been home nearly an hour and are still sat at the table talking to Mia on the phone. Charlotte has begun cooking pasta as she watches the three girls laugh and talk in the corner
"When can you come back and play?" Isla asks,
"Soon sweetheart. But I think you should ask your mummy about that"
"Mummy can Mia come to our house and play again?" Charlotte laughs at the excited little girl,
"Of course baby. Now go wash your hands, okay? Dinners nearly ready"
"Okay mummy!" The two girls leave the room, and Charlotte picks up her phone from the table
"I'm sorry about the girls, they just like talking to you" she smiles
"Don't apologise. I love taking to them" Mia replies.
"Good. I'll let you go now but text me later?"
"Of course sweetheart" the call ends and Charlotte smiles to herself. Mia getting along with her kids is the best feeling.


Charlotte is sat on the floor next to Isla's bed, finishing up the story,
"Mummy?" Isla's sleepy voice asks,
"Yes sweetie?"
"The princess has Mia hair" she points the the book, showing a beautiful princess with long red hair and a blue sparkly dress,
"That's right" she confirms,
"Is Mia a princess?" The question makes Charlotte laugh a little
"Not quite sweetheart"
"I want hair like Mia's mummy"
"Maybe when you're older princess" Charlotte gently kisses Isla's forehead and strokes the hair out of her face, "sweet dreams baby"
"Night mummy" she smiles softly before closing her eyes.

As Charlotte enters her eldest daughters room, she is met with Ellie laid in bed with a book in her hand,
"Hey baby, don't stay up too late, okay?" She smiles,
"Okay mum. I love you" Charlotte kisses her head,
"I love you too, goodnight"

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