Ch. 16: Watching Overwhelming Danger

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"Guys? Can you let me go?" Luz asked them.

"Luz, your future self is sitting in front of a possessed human. So NO." Willow said firmly.

"Not to mention that HE is the reason my future self is scarred and almost KILLED you." Hunter said, adding to the argument.

"If it makes you feel better, you have all tried that intentionally or not, at least once." Luz said.

'ONCE?!' All of the adult thought in shock/surprise.

"I didn't!" Gus said.

"Gus. Remember the detention pit after Mattholomule ratted me out to the hall monitors?" Luz said with a blank expression.

"THAT....was not my fault." Gus said, glancing away. "Directly."

"Again, intentionally or not." Luz reminded.

"Human, do you possibly repress your trauma from these events?" Hettie asked.

"No, not really. We all moved past them and it's all good now." Luz said but she sounded TOO casual about it.

"...I believe you require a psych evaluation as well." Hettie said, knowing that humans are capable of denial as well.

"I agree with that statement!" Camila said.

"Can we move on to the next scene instead of worry of the human's future mental health?" Adrian asked, hissing as Hettie was just now tending to his leg.

"Don't move too much." Hettie said as she levitated the bullet out of Adrian's leg. "Seems like it was stopped by the bone."

'YES. I hit the bone, maybe it cracked.' Mr. Hardcor3 thought.

All through class, Luz couldn't help but have a feeling something was wrong. That some great danger was close by yet she was nearly blind to it, like being deaf and someone is screaming loudly right into her ear'

'My Titan sense is going off.' Luz thought.

"You have a titan sense!?" Lilith and King asked.

"I'm... pretty sure that was just a joke." Luz said.

"I don't believe you!" King shouted before putting his fingers in his head. "Come on, Titan sense!"

"Oh boy. Here we go." Eda muttered, watching King "focus" on his new power. "King, stop. You're going to hurt yourself."

"No. I can do this!" King said, grunting and straining himself.

'Oh Titan, if we don't do something, he might shit on the floor.' Eda thought.

"Maybe it's more a....puberty thing. You'll get it when you reach that age." Camila said quickly, making King stop.

"Really?" King asked.

"Yeah, I mean... Luz is older." Eda said, playing along. "Half Titan or not, age must be a factor."

"Huh, I guess that makes sense." King said, tapping his chin. "I can wait."

'Thank you, Camila.' Eda thought.

She began looking around for the source of this unease, gazing at everything and everyone in the room as the teacher wrote on the chalkboard.

In front of her was "Tracey," who had a wicked smile on "her" face was silently chuckling as a green slime slowly climbed up her face.

"HURG! Oh Titan I'm going to be sick!" Bo's s said, covering her mouth.

"This gives abomination magic a very bad name." Darius said, also disgusted by this.

'Well, I'd say it's time for some fun.' Belos thought as the green covered her left eye.

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