Ch. 4: Watching A Little Snack

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"Okay, I feel like I should explain some things." Mr. Hardcore said to the "reading" audience, "For those that don't know... I had covid this past week, so as you can image, I didn't have much ability to write. Rather than have my friend over here do it by himself, we decided to put this on a small hiatus until I'm better. As of the day I'm saying this, Saturday the 16th of December, I am nearly back to full health, another day or two and I will be completely better. Now that that's out of the way, we may begin, unless my friend has anything else to say."

"No, I'm good but before that, let's just watch how this plays out." Jss2141 said, looking at the "viewing" audience.

As a small break was held, Camila rose from her seat and marched over to Boscha with some very stern words in mind for her.

Boscha went pale at the sight of this.

'Titan, please help me!' Boscha thought as Camila stopped before her, glaring down at her.

"Explain." Camila said.

"E-Explain what?" Boscha hesitantly asked.

"Explain WHY you bullied my daughter and HOW LONG had it been going on." Camila said in a firm tone.

"If you need, there is a room that you can... discipline her." Mr. Hardcore said.

"Thank you but no. I am fine giving discipline right here. Now talk, young lady." Camila said, still firm and glaring at the triclops.

She was going to do what Boscha's parents should've done a LONG time ago.

Boscha wishes she could sink into the seat... she actually tried to turn herself into a potion... but realized that she couldn't do magic.

"Oh, did we forget to mention that we only allow several people to keep magic?" Mr. hardcor3 asked.

"What?!" everyone asked.

"You didn't think we trusted all of you, right? We know how some of you are more violent and manipulative with your magic than others. So only a FEW of you can use your magic without us worrying you'd kill someone." Jss2141 said.

"But if you still find a way to betray our trust... I have a gun!" Mr. Hardcor3 said.

"What's a "human" gun?" Darius asked.

"Something that shoots metal and can kill in an instant. Now pipe down and watch Camila discipline Boscha." Jss2141 ordered.

Everyone turned their attention to it. Camila still held her firm expression, making Boscha crumble as she gulped and answered had honestly.

"I-I bullied Luz b-because..." Boscha said, stuttering.

Camila got close to Boscha's face. Not even letting her finish.

"If I hear you so much as breath wrong in her direction... I don't care if you're a witch or not... I will make sure they never find your body." Camila said in a low and threatening tone that made everyone, even the Coven heads, feel fear, "Got it?"

Boscha quickly nodded.

"Yes ma'am." Boscha said, very scared.

A new, clean, pair of pants was summoned next to Boscha.

"You might need those, you can just head to the bathroom and change." Mr. Hardcor3 said.

"Not yet." Camila quickly said. "I have one last thing to say."

"O-Okay?" Boscha asked.

"On Earth, when I was growing up, whenever a child did something bad, they would get one of four forms of punishment." Camila said with four fingers up. "A stern lecture, a slap on the wrist, washing your mouth out with a bar of soap, or a HARD spanking."

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