The Heavy Rain, The Girl and The Apple Scent

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Rose Asakura POV

Two days later....

"Mr. Gregorio Sandoval suffered an intestinal pain yesterday and it seems that it can't cure. His family said that he has the very slow metabolism that leads to harden the foods he ate and this intestinal pain attack three hours after the charity ball. According to his doctors, they can't explain why the foods he ate suddenly harden in his intestines. Mr. Sandoval's doctors scheduled his operation this morning at eight but he didn't hold until six. He died at exactly six fifteen this morning. I'm Sarah Foster, reporting."

I turn off the TV after that. I sigh. It takes two days before he died. My first victim died after seventeen hours but Sandoval have thirty one and fifteen minutes. It's true that the devil grass have a long life.

I grab my backpack and leave. I need to go to my work. It's the library two blocks away from my apartment. I really don't need to work like this but I'm gonna be in trouble if people will ask me how I survive. Well, I hate to lying so every time people ask me about my living life, I'm the librarian. It's not a hard job and there's only a few people going in that public library. I keep my face uninterested by wearing my big reading eye glasses. One look at me and I'm not attractive, young men didn't even bother looking at my face.

After hours, my phone ring. My created team usually didn't contact me at this time unless it's important.

I answer the phone without looking in the screen, its a hobbit but I didn't speak first. "Rose," I know the voice, Tony. He is a bit panting. "The mission is completed but-" the sound of vomit stop his voice.

"Where are you?" it's my cold voice. I grab my backpack and keys. I flip the sign close and lock the door.

"HQ," he is really panting. "Renz is here. Medic for me," he's starting to shortcut his words for sentence. Bad situation.

I ran across the road to the vacant garage, I unlock the door. All I need is the wide door. I grab the helmet in the table and wear it, I'm gonna use my motorbike.

Within the minutes, in the front of look like abandon storage, I press the remote in the front of my motorbike, the garage open and after I entered it automatically close.

I patch the code in the door and the floor open making me fell to it. A soft large cushion hit my back. I automatically jump and make my way to medic room.

"What happen?" I asked, Tony is lying in bed unconscious while Renz is wrapping him with bandage.

"There's another assassin who wants the leader of Wraight dead, but we killed him first," Hannah entered in the room. The bandage in her arms have blood stain. "When we are about to escape, they attack us, Tony killed one of them, they are six. The one that Tony killed is pretty lame but the others are deadly. Even though Tony killed one of them, we are out numbered. They are strong and, a-and-" Hannah is stuttering. Her eyes is wide, she's afraid.

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