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Rose Asakura POV

Done. I killed again. But I'm running away because of them. Hell!

Running is the last thing I wanted to do.

I turned my attention to Deus who's looking at me like my head is growing into two. "Why are we running away from them?" I asked innocently.

"Because the Reysanyk is hunting Deus and it means they are hunting us too." Miguel returned his eyes in the road.

"And we are running because we can't face them," Peter added who is still looking at me. "How did you know that they are Russians?"

"Because they have assassins." I sighed. "What I mean is: the assassins are actually the Reysanyk."

Peter winced. "I can't get it!"

"Usually, people who have purchasing powers just hired assassins, or adopted them or trained them but in the case of Reysanyk, they trained themselves to become assassins." Miguel saved me from explaining the information to Peter who is now nodding.

"Rose, how did you know that?" Deus asked me. Not again. I can't escape in this questions and answers portion. Actually, there is only one question but - "You're misleading Peter by answering that info which is not the correct answer to his question."

Deus Black. He is the man of this world. Became successful by himself in the age of 25 then his father decided to give up his company to his own son. To his genus son.

I sighed again. I can't win against this man in terms of brain battle.

"Fine!" I leaned my back. "I searched every information of every assassins that I know."

I looked at the unconvinced Deus Black. "Why?"

"In case someone hired me to kill one of them." I rested my right elbow in the bottom of the window. "You can't kill the assassins if you don't know them."

"So, what are you?" Peter asked me innocently. "Killer of assassins?"

"Peter," Miguel tried to catch his attention. "She's one of them."

I saw Peter's eyes widen and looked at me. "That's true, I'm an assassin too." I told him.

"How come?" Peter stretched his seat belt to look at me in short distance. "I mean, when did you start being an assassin?"

A good question but I don't have an answer. "To be honest, I don't know." I saw Deus looked at me carefully. I rested my chain in my right fist. "When I saw my hands full of blood, that's the time I heard the whispers that I'm an assassins."

"How old are you when you heard the whispers?" Deus asked me.

"I was nine." I carefully closed my eyes. "It was sixteen years ago."

I heard Deus asked me something but everything became blurred.

I can't tell but the darkness wrapped my body.

"Rose!" I was startled upon hearing a man's voice. I opened my eyes but closed it immediately because of heavy lights welcoming my sight.

"What?" I murmured.

"Wake up! We need to eat, sleepyhead." I heard Deus who's now patting me.

"Wake up?" I suddenly straightened my back and opened my eyes. "I fell asleep."

Deus chuckled. "Yes dear, you're too comfortable to be an assassins." The door in my side opened. I looked up to smiling Miguel.

I got out, Deus followed me. I looked up in the tall building in front of me. "Hotel?" I looked back to Deus. "I thought we're going to eat?"

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