Kiss because of that Blonde

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She's chasing me. I'm running away as fast as I can but how much fast I ran she's still behind me. She can reach my collar anytime but why she's just chasing me and not reaching me? I can hear her every steps.

My right foot slipped in the muddy road but I regained my balance. My chest is heavy from running away.

I cannot help but looked back a little.

Before I can see her face, her hand comes up to reach my neck.

"I told you." Her cold voice reached my spine. "You can ran, you can hide, but do not look back."

"M-mom." I uttered. I'm looking at her face but I cannot see her.


"Rose!" I jumped holding my neck but the concern face of Deus greeted me.

"S-sorry." I stuttered because of my dry throat.

My door opened and Vivian entered holding a glass of water. "Drink this."

I drank the water without checking if there's venom in the water. I already emptied the glass when I remembered that she's the viper.

"You are not going to kill me, right?" I chuckled a little.

She gets the glass in my still shaking hands. "If I want to, you are not seeing Deus right now."

I looked at Deus who's sitting in the edge of my bed. "It seems that you ran away for too long."

I sat beside him and he gently stroked my back.

"I'm running away from my mother but in my dream I can't get away." I weakly said.

The silence wrapped the room when my door opened again.

"Melissa is waiting in the living room and she's looking for you." Peter said like he ran in marathon.

"Smith?" I asked without thinking.

"Did you know her?" Deus asked me.

"Duh? She's a supermodel and also the past of Deus the Playboy. I bet Rose is planning to kill her tonight." Vivian smirked at Deus. All the attention turned to me.

"Is she your ex-girlfriend?" I suddenly asked him. "Honestly, I knew her because she's one of the top grossing supermodel in the world and I also knew that she's with you last charity ball in New York. Nothing more, nothing less." I defensively said.

"No." Deus stood up and faced me. "Rose, she's not my girlfriend. It's just to pass a night."

I looked at Vivian who's tapping her foot in the floor like she want something that Deus must said. I looked again to Deus then to Vivian then to Deus again.

"Fine!" Deus moved like surrendering. "She's was one of toy but that because I was a playboy that time. I don't have relation to her."

"Yeah, because she's not just a supermodel she's also a super bitch." Vivian annoyingly said.

"Mom!" Peter rebuked his mother.

"Because I hate bitch, Peter." Vivian rolled her eyes.

I cannot help but laughed a little. "Then, what are you doing here? Your toy is waiting in the living room. Mr. Playboy." I raised my right eyebrow.

"We are going to talk later." Deus turned his back and slammed the door.

Vivian and I stared at each other the laughed suddenly.

"I like you, Rose." She said. "Deus is like my son to me. His mother died right after she gave birth at him."

"Huh? His mother died? Then who's the woman who always in his side?" That information about Deus family was a shock to me.

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